The year 2022 marked the 20th Anniversary of Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). China and the ASEAN Member States issued a Joint Statement on this occasion. As another milestone consensus between ASEAN and China on the South China Sea, the Joint Statement recognises the benefits of having the South China Sea as a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation, appreciates the progress in the negotiations of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC), and reaffirms that the future adoption of the COC would further promote peace and stability in the region.
In a collaboration between the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation & Peace (CICP) and China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU), this book discusses respective and joint DOC- and COC-related experiences and practices for a sustainable peace of the South China Sea, from the perspective of both Chinese as well as ASEAN scholars.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Twenty Years of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea: China–ASEAN Relations
- Twenty Years of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea: China–ASEAN Relations (Zhu Feng and Liu Zhe)
- The DOC and China–ASEAN Maritime Cooperation (Zhao Qinghai)
- Substantive Issues Surrounding the COC Consultation: Forging a Legal Path Forward for the Negotiators (Kong Lingjie)
- Historical Interaction of China–ASEAN Economic Cooperation and Security Governance: From the Perspective of DOC (Zhang Jie)
- Institutional Effectiveness and Mechanisms of the Implementation of the DOC (Wu Lin and Zhu Wenhan)
- Road toward Sustainable Peace through the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (Pou Sothirak)
- Provisional Arrangements under UNCLOS: A Comparative Analysis for the South China Sea Code of Conduct (Aristyo Rizka Darmawan)
- The Underlying Economics of Conflict and Peace in the South China Sea (Mana Southichack)
- Together for Sustainable Peace of the South China Sea (Bounphieng Pheuaphetlangsy, Sounanda Bolivong, and Haknilan Inthalath)
- The DOC and Dispute Management in the South China Sea: Maintaining Dialogue, Maximizing Convergences (Kuik Cheng-Chwee)
- A Stronger DOC toward the Successful Completion of a Reliable COC: The ADMM in the Context of the South China Sea Issue (U Zeyar Oo)
- ASEAN, China, and the South China Sea (Ong Keng Yong and Nazia Hussain)
- The DOC at 20: A Thai Perspective (Kavi Chongkittavorn)
- ASEAN's 20 Years of Continued Efforts to Engage China on the South China Sea: Lessons from the DOC and the Way Forward (Nguyen Hung Son)
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the disciplines of International Relations, Asian Politics / Society, Political Science/ Policy Studies/ Public Policy/ Security Studies as well as officials in the fields of diplomacy and international relations.
Prof. Guo Yanjun is the Director of the Institute of Asian Studies at China Foreign Affairs University. He completed his PhD in International Politics at Shandong University in 2007. He worked at Peking University as a post-doctorate research fellow from 2009–2011. He specializes in the study of international rivers and transboundary water resources management, especially the Lancang-Mekong river water management. He has published relevant writings and articles both at home and abroad on transboundary water resources management. He also serves as a research fellow at the Innovation Center on National Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights. As a member of the NEAT China (Network of East Asian Think-tanks), NACT China (Network of ASEAN-China Think-tanks) and NTCT China (Network of Trilateral Cooperation Think-tanks), he has been involved in many track II diplomacy processes in the past years.
HE Ambassador POU Sothirak is the emeritus Executive Director of the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, a leading policy-oriented non-governmental think-tank in Cambodia. He currently serve voluntarily as the Distinguished Senior Advisor of the Cambodian Center for Regional Studies. Previously Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, he remains an advisor to the Royal government of Cambodia as of 2014. He has extensive experience in international relations through his time as a visiting senior research fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asia Studies (ISEAS, from 2009 to 2012) and as Cambodian Ambassador to Japan (from 2005 to 2008). He has been involved in many ASEAN-centered track II diplomacy processes in the past years as a leading member of the NACT Cambodia (Network of ASEAN-China Think-tanks).