The revitalization of neural network research in the past few years has already had a great impact on research and development in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. Although neural network functions are not limited to pattern recognition, there is no doubt that a renewed progress in pattern recognition and its applications now critically depends on neural networks. This volume specially brings together outstanding original research papers in the area and aims to help the continued progress in pattern recognition and its applications.
- Introduction (C H Chen)
- Combined Neural-Net/Knowledge-Based Adaptive Systems for Large Scale Dynamic Control (A D C Holden & S C Suddarth)
- A Connectionist Incremental Expert System Combining Production Systems and Associative Memory (H F Yin & P Liang)
- Optimal Hidden Units for Two-Layer Nonlinear Feedforward Networks (T D Sanger)
- An Incremental Fine Adjustment Algorithm for the Design of Optimal Interpolating Networks (S-K Sin & R J P deFigueiredo)
- On the Asymptotic Properties of Recurrent Neural Networks for Optimization (J Wang)
- A Real-Time Image Segmentation System Using a Connectionist Classifier Architecture (W E Blanz & S L Gish)
- Segmentation of Ultrasonic Images with Neural Networks (R H Silverman)
- Connectionist Model Binarization (N Babaguchi, et al.)
- An Assessment of Neural Network Technology's on Automatic Active Sonar Classifier Development (T B Haley)
- On the Relationships between Statistical Pattern Recognition and Artificial Neural Networks (C H Chen)
Readership: Computer scientists and engineers.
“The emphasis of this book is genuinely on practical techniques — a rarity in books on neural networks … there is much here that will interest the neural computing specialist.”
Neural and Computing Applications
Chi Hau Chen received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Purdue University in 1965, MSEE degree from University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 1962 and BSEE degree from National Taiwan University in 1959. He is currently Chancellor Professor and Professor Emeriti of electrical and computer engineering, at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he has taught since 1968. His research areas are in statistical pattern recognition and signal/image processing with applications to remote sensing, geophysical, underwater acoustics & nondestructive testing problems; as well computer vision for video surveillance; time series analysis; and neural networks.
Dr. Chen has published (edited and authored) 30 books in his areas of research, including a number of books published by World Scientific Publishing. He was Associate Editor for International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence from 1986–2008. Since 2008 he has been an Editorial Board Member of Pattern Recognition Journal. Currently he is also the Series Editor in Computer Vision for World Scientific Publishing.
Dr. Chen has been a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) since 1988, a Life Fellow of the IEEE since 2003, Fellow of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) since 1996, full member of the Academia NDT International since 200 and on the Fulbright Specialist Program since 2008.