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Stephen Hawking, the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, has made important theoretical contributions to gravitational theory and has played a major role in the development of cosmology and black hole physics.
Hawking's early work, partly in collaboration with Roger Penrose, showed the significance of spacetime singularities for the big bang and black holes. His later work has been concerned with a deeper understanding of these two issues. The work required extensive use of the two great intellectual achievements of the first half of the Twentieth Century: general relativity and quantum mechanics; and these are reflected in the reprinted articles. Hawking's key contributions on black hole radiation and the no-boundary condition on the origin of the universe are included.
The present compilation of Stephen Hawking's most important work also includes an introduction by him, which guides the reader though the major highlights of the volume. This volume is thus an essential item in any library and will be an important reference source for those interested in theoretical physics and applied mathematics.
Bundle set: Black Holes by Hawking and Susskind
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (997 KB)
The following sections are included:
This collection of papers reflects the problems that I have worked on over the years. With hindsight, it might appear that there had been a grand and premeditated design to address the outstanding problems concerning the origin and evolution of the universe. But it was not really like that. I did not have a master plan; rather I followed my nose and did whatever looked interesting and possible at the time…
A new theorem on space-time singularities is presented which largely incorporates and generalizes the previously known results. The theorem implies that space-time singularities are to be expected if either the universe is spatially closed or there is an ‘object’ undergoing relativistic gravitational collapse (existence of a trapped surface) or there is a point p whoso past null cone encounters sufficient matter that the divergence of the null rays through p changes sign somewhere to the past of p (i.e. there is a minimum apparent solid angle, as viewed from p for small objects of given size). The theorem applies if the following four physical assumptions are made: (i) Einstein's equations hold (with zero or negative cosmological constant), (ii) the energy density is nowhere less than minus each principal pressure nor less than minus the sum of the three principal pressures (the ‘energy condition’), (iii) there are no closed timelike curves, (iv) every timelike or null geodesic enters a region where the curvature is not specially alined with the geodesic. (This last condition would hold in any sufficiently general physically realistic model.) In common with earlier results, timelike or null geodesic incompleteness is used hero as the indication of the presence of space-time singularities. No assumption concerning existence of a global Cauchy hypersurface is required for the present theorem.
The following sections are included:
Expressions are derived for the mass of a stationary axisymmetric solution of the Einstein equations containing a black hole surrounded by matter and for the difference in mass between two neighboring such solutions. Two of the quantities which appear in these expressions, namely the area A of the event horizon and the “surface gravity” κ of the black hole, have a close analogy with entropy and temperature respectively. This analogy suggests the formulation of four laws of black hole mechanics which correspond to and in some ways transcend the four laws of thermodynamics.
In the classical theory black holes can only absorb and not emit particles. However it is shown that quantum mechanical effects cause black holes to create and emit particles as if they were hot bodies with temperature where κ is the surface gravity of the black hole. This thermal emission leads to a slow decrease in the mass of the black hole and to its eventual disappearance: any primordial black hole of mass less than about 1015 g would have evaporated by now. Although these quantum effects violate the classical law that the area of the event horizon of a black hole cannot decrease, there remains a Generalized Second Law: S + ¼A never decreases where S is the entropy of matter outside black holes and A is the sum of the surface areas of the event horizons. This shows that gravitational collapse converts the baryons and leptons in the collapsing body into entropy. It is tempting to speculate that this might be the reason why the Universe contains so much entropy per baryon.
One can evaluate the action for a gravitational field on a section of the complexified spacetime which avoids the singularities. In this manner we obtain finite, purely imaginary values for the actions of the Kerr-Newman solutions and de Sitter space. One interpretation of these values is that they give the probabilities for finding such metrics in the vacuum state. Another interpretation is that they give the contribution of that metric to the partition function for a grand canonical ensemble at a certain temperature, angular momentum, and charge. We use this approach to evaluate the entropy of these metrics and find that it is always equal to one quarter the area of the event horizon in fundamental units. This agrees with previous derivations by completely different methods. In the case of a stationary system such as a star with no event horizon, the gravitational field has no entropy.
The principle of equivalence, which says that gravity couples to the energy-momentum tensor of matter, and the quantum-mechanical requirement that energy should be positive imply that gravity is always attractive. This leads to singularities in any reasonable theory of gravitation. A singularity is a place where the classical concepts of space and time break down as do all the known laws of physics because they are all formulated on a classical space-time background. In this paper it is claimed that this breakdown is not merely a result of our ignorance of the correct theory but that it represents a fundamental limitation to our ability to predict the future, a limitation that is analogous but additional to the limitation imposed by the normal quantum-mechanical uncertainty principle. The new limitation arises because general relativity allows the causal structure of space-time to be very different from that of Minkowski space. The interaction region can be bounded not only by an initial surface on which data are given and a final surface on which measurements are made but also a “hidden surface” about which the observer has only limited information such as the mass, angular momentum, and charge. Concerning this hidden surface one has a “principle of ignorance”: The surface emits with equal probability all configurations of particles-compatible with the observers limited knowledge. It is shown that the ignorance principle holds for the quantum-mechanical evaporation of black holes: The black hole creates particles in pairs, with one particle always falling into the hole and the other possibly escaping to infinity. Because part of the information about the state of the system is lost down the hole, the final situation is represented by a density matrix rather than a pure quantum state. This means there is no S matrix for the process of black-hole formation and evaporation. Instead one has to introduce a new operator, called the superscattering operator, which maps density matrices describing the initial situation to density matrices describing the final situation.
An interesting two-dimensional model theory has been proposed that allows one to consider black-hole evaporation in the semiclassical approximation. The semiclassical equations will give a singularity where the dilaton held reaches a certain critical value. This singularity will be hidden behind a horizon. As the evaporation proceeds, the dilaton held on the horizon will approach the critical value but the temperature and rate or emission will remain finite. These results indicate either that there is a naked singularity, or (more likely) that the semiclassical approximation breaks down.
It is shown that the close connection between event horizons and thermodynamics which has been found in the case of black holes can be extended to cosmological models with a repulsive cosmological constant. An observer in these models will have an event horizon whose area can be interpreted as the entropy or lack of information of the observer about the regions which he cannot see. Associated with the event horizon is a surface gravity κ which enters a classical “first law of event horizons” in a manner similar to that in which temperature occurs in the first law of thermodynamics. It is shown that this similarity is more than an analogy: An observer with a particle detector will indeed observe a background of thermal radiation coming apparently from the cosmological event horizon. If the observer absorbs some of this radiation, he will gain energy and entropy at the expense of the region beyond his ken and the event horizon will shrink. The derivation of these results involves abandoning the idea that particles should be defined in an observer-independent manner. They also suggest that one has to use something like the Everett-Wheeler interpretation of quantum mechanics because the back reaction and hence the spacetime metric itself appear to be observer-dependent, if one assumes, as seems reasonable, that the detection of a particle is accompanied by a change in the gravitational field.
The horizon, flatness and monopole problems can be solved if the universe underwent an exponentially expanding stage which ended with a Higgs scalar field running slowly down an effective potential. In the downhill phase irregularities would develop in the scalar field. These would lead to fluctuations in the rate of expansion which would have the right spectrum to account for the existence of galaxies. However the amplitude would be too high to be consistent with observations of the isotropy of the microwave background unless the effective coupling constant of the Higgs scalar was very small.
This paper describes a technique for regularizing quadratic path integrals on a curved background spacetime. One forms a generalized zeta function from the eigenvalues of the differential operator that appears in the action integral. The zeta function is a meromorphic function and its gradient at the origin is defined to be the determinant of the operator. This technique agrees with dimensional regularization where one generalises to n dimensions by adding extra flat dimensions. The generalized zeta function can be expressed as a Mellin transform of the kernel of the heat equation which describes diffusion over the four dimensional spacetime manifold in a fith dimension of parameter time. Using the asymptotic expansion for the heat kernel, one can deduce the behaviour of the path integral under scale transformations of the background metric. This suggests that there may be a natural cut off in the integral over all black hole background metrics. By functionally differentiating the path integral one obtains an energy momentum tensor which is finite even on the horizon of a black hole. This energy momentum tensor has an anomalous trace.
The following sections are included:
The quantum state of a spatially closed universe can be described by a wave function which is a functional on the geometries of compact three-manifolds and on the values of the matter fields on these manifolds. The wave function obeys the Wheeler-DeWitt second-order functional differential equation. We put forward a proposal for the wave function of the “ground state” or state of minimum excitation: the ground-state amplitude for a three-geometry is given by a path integral over all compact positive-definite four-geometries which have the three-geometry as a boundary. The requirement that the Hamiltonian be Hermitian then defines the boundary conditions for the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and the spectrum of possible excited states. To illustrate the above, we calculate the ground and excited states in a simple minisuperspace model in which the scale factor is the only gravitational degree of freedom, a conformally invariant scalar field is the only matter degree of freedom and Λ > 0. The ground state corresponds to de Sitter space in the classical limit. There are excited states which represent universes which expand from zero volume, reach a maximum size, and then recollapse but which have a finite (though very small) probability of tunneling through a potential barrier to a de Sitter-type state of continual expansion. The path-integral approach allows us to handle situations in which the topology of the three-manifold changes. We estimate the probability that the ground state in our minisuperspace model contains more than one connected component of the spacelike surface.
The following sections are included:
It is assumed that the Universe is in the quantum state defined by a path integral over compact four-metrics. This can be regarded as a boundary condition for the wave function of the Universe on superspace, the space of all three-metrics and matter field configurations on a three-surface. We extend previous work on finite-dimensional approximations to superspace to the full infinite-dimensional space. We treat the two homogeneous and isotropic degrees of freedom exactly and the others to second order. We justify this approximation by showing that the inhomogeneous or aniso-tropic modes start off in their ground state. We derive time-dependent Schrödinger equations for each mode. The modes remain in their ground state until their wavelength exceeds the horizon size in the period of exponential expansion. The ground-state fluctuations are then amplified by the subsequent expansion and the modes reenter the horizon in the matter- or radiation-dominated era in a highly excited state. We obtain a scale-free spectrum of density perturbations which could account for the origin of galaxies and all other structure in the Universe. The fluctuations would be compatible with observations of the microwave background if the mass of the scalar field that drives the inflation is 1014 GeV or less.
The usual proof of the CPT theorem does not apply to theories which include the gravitational field. Nevertheless, it is shown that CPT invariance still holds in these cases provided that, as has recently been proposed, the quantum state of the Universe is defined by a path integral over metrics that are compact without boundary. The observed asymmetry or arrow of time defined by the direction of time in which entropy increases is shown to be related to the cosmological arrow of time defined by the direction of time in which the Universe is expanding. It arises because in the proposed quantum state the Universe would have been smooth and homogeneous when it was small but irregular and inhomogeneous when it was large. The thermodynamic arrow would reverse during a contracting phase of the Universe or inside black holes. Possible observational tests of this prediction are discussed.
When I began research nearly 30 years ago, my supervisor, Dennis Sciama, set me to work on the arrow of time in cosmology. I remember going to the university library in Cambridge to look for a book called The Direction of Time by the German philosopher, Reichenbach [Reichenbach, 1956]. However, I found the book had been taken out by the author, J. B. Priestly, who was writing a play about time, called Time and the Conways. Thinking that this book would answer all my questions, I filled in a form to force Priestly to return the book to the library, so I could consult it. However, when I eventually got hold of the book I was very disappointed. It was rather obscure, and the logic seemed to be circular. It laid great stress on causation, in distinguishing the forward direction of time from the backward direction. But in physics, we believe there are laws that determine the evolution of the universe uniquely. Suppose state A evolved into state B. Then one could say that A caused B. But one could equally well look at it in the other direction of time, and say that B caused A. So causality does not define a direction of time.
It is suggested that the apparent cosmological constant is not necessarily zero but that zero is by far the most probable value. One requires some mechanism like a three-index antisymmetric tensor field or topological fluctuations of the metric which can give rise to an effective cosmological constant of arbitrary magnitude. The action of solutions of the euclidean field equations is most negative, and the probability is therefore highest, when this effective cosmological constant is very small.
Any reasonable theory of quantum gravity will allow closed universes to branch off from our nearly flat region of spacetime. I describe the possible quantum states of these closed universes. They correspond to wormholes which connect two asymptotically Euclidean regions, or two parts of the same asymptotically Euclidean region. I calculate the influence of these wormholes on ordinary quantum fields at low energies in the asymptotic region. This can be represented by adding effective interactions in flat spacetime which create or annihilate closed universes containing certain numbers of particles. The effective interactions are small except for closed universes containing scalar particles in the spatially homogeneous mode. If these scalar interactions are not reduced by sypersymmetry, it may be that any scalar particles we observe would have to be bound states of particles of higher spin, such as the pion. An observer in the asymptotically flat region would not be able to measure the quantum state of closed universes that branched off. He would therefore have to sum over all possibilities for the closed universes. This would mean that the final state would appear to be a mixed quantum state, rather than a pure quantum state.
This paper examines the claim that the wormhole effects that cause the cosmological constant to be zero, also fix the values of all the other effective coupling constants. It is shown that the assumption that wormholes can be replaced by effective interactions is valid in perturbation theory, but it leads to a path integral that does not converge. Even if one ignores this difficulty, the probability measure on the space of effective coupling constants diverges. This does not affect the conclusion that the cosmological constant should be zero. However, to find the probability distribution for other coupling constants, one has to introduce a cutoff in the probability distribution. The results depend very much on the cutoff used. For one choice of cutoff at least, the coupling constants do not have unique values, but have a gaussian probability distribution.
It is shown that there are restrictions on the possible changes of topology of space sections of the universe if this topology change takes place in a compact region which has a Lorentzian metric and spinor structure. In particular, it is impossible to create a single wormhole or attach a single handle to a spacetime but it is kinematically possible to create such wormholes in pairs. Another way of saying this is that there is a ℤ2 invariant for a closed oriented 3-manifold Σ which determines whether Σ can be the spacelike boundary of a compact manifold M which admits a Lorentzian metric and a spinor structure. We evaluate this invariant in terms of the homology groups of Σ and find that it is the mod 2 Kervaire semi-characteristic.
It has been suggested that an advanced civilization might have the technology to warp spacetime so that closed timelike curves would appear, allowing travel into the past. This paper examines this possibility in the case that the causality violations appear in a finite region of spacetime without curvature singularities. There will be a Cauchy horizon that is compactly generated and that in general contains one or more closed null geodesies which will be incomplete. One can define geometrical quantities that measure the Lorentz boost and area increase on going round these closed null geodesies. If the causality violation developed from a noncompact initial surface, the averaged weak energy condition must be violated on the Cauchy horizon. This shows that one cannot create closed timelike curves with finite lengths of cosmic string. Even if violations of the weak energy condition are allowed by quantum theory, the expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor would get very large if timelike curves become almost closed. It seems the back reaction would prevent closed timelike curves from appearing. These results strongly support the chronology protection conjecture: The laws of physics do not allow the appearance of closed limelike curves.
“It is an excellent thing to have so many of Professor Hawking's most important contributions to the theory of black holes and space-time singularities all collected together in one handy volume. I am very glad to have them.”
“This was an excellent idea to put the best papers by Stephen Hawking together. Even his papers written many years ago remain extremely useful for those who study classical and quantum gravity. By watching the evolution of his ideas one can get a very clear picture of the development of quantum cosmology during the last quarter of this century.”
“This review could have been quite short: ‘The book contains a selection of 21 of Stephen Hawking's most significant papers with an overview written by the author’. This would be sufficient to convince any researcher, student or librarian to acquire the book, so indisputable is the contribution of this man to the theoretical physics of the last half of our century … Collected together, these brilliant works constitute a valuable contribution to the literature on modern classical and quantum gravity and cosmology. This book will certainly be a source of inspiration for new generations of physicists entering into this fascinating area of research.”
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (997 KB)