Sample Chapter(s)
A Note on the Simple Groups Over p-Adic Fields (606 KB)
- A Note on the Simple Groups Over p-Adic Fields (C H Cheng)
- Nonlinear Feedforward Sequences of m-Sequences IV (Z Dai et al.)
- Transformation Semigroups (J M Howie)
- Partially Commutative Shuffing (Y Kobayashi)
- On Two Infinite Hierarchies of Prefix Codes (D Long)
- An Invitation to Inverse Semigroup Theory (J C Meakin)
- Some Questions on Euclid Rings (M Nagata)
- Some Problems on the Semigroup of Singular Matrices (K S S Nambooripad)
- Semisimplicity for Semigroups (R H Oehmke)
- Products of Semigroups (G B Preston)
- An Application of Lattice Theory to the Theory of Varieties of Semigroups that are Unions of Groups (N R Reilly)
- Conjugacy In Finite Symmetric Inverse Semigroups (T Saito)
- Fundamental Orderings of Semigroups: A Survey (B M Schein)
- Local Distribution of Non-Primitive Words (H J Shyr & F K Tu)
- The Amalgamation of Closure and Boundary Functions on Semigroups and Partially Ordered Sets (K P Shum)
- Vertex Operators of Affine Lie Algebras with First Kind (Y Xu)
- and other papers
Readership: Pure and applied mathematicians.