In the process of nation building, the health of the working population becomes a key factor. With the introduction of new technologies, foreign labour and changes in working patterns, the health of the working population will be affected. Health care workers, administrators and politicians will be confronted with these occupational health issues.
This book outlines the various occupational health issues in national development and proposes a system of planning for the health services for the working population. It is the result of a two week ICOH Seminar where international experts addressed the issue of developing occupational health services for various countries.
- Occupational Health Issues in National Development:
- Occupational Health Issues in National Development (J Jeyaratnam & K S Chia)
- The Development of Safe Chemical Pesticides (W F Tordoir)
- Occupational Health Service for Farmers and Farm Workers (K Husman)
- Occupational Health Services for Small Scale Industries (D Koh & J Jeyaratnam)
- Health Concerns of Women at Work (D Koh & S E Chia)
- Stress Management at the Workplace (L K Tay)
- Occupational Health Services for Health Professionals (J F Caillard)
- Risk of Hepatitis and AIDS among Health Professionals (S K Chew)
- Chemical Risk Assessment (E Smith)
- Transfer of Hazardous Industries: Issues and Solutions (J LaDou & J Jeyaratnam)
- Occupational Cancers (K S Chia)
- The Use of Cancer Registries in Detecting Occupational Cancer Risk (H P Lee)
- The Role of Occupational Health Legislation (W H Phoon & H S Lee)
- Setting of Environmental Standards (J A Indulski)
- Developing National Health Plans for the Working Population:
- Systems Approach in National Health Planning (K H Phua)
- Occupational Health Services and Primary Health Care ( J Jeyaratnam & S L Ling)
- Identifying and Evaluating National Occupational Health Needs (J Rantanen)
- Utilisation of Information Services and Technologies (K Kurppa)
- Role of World Health Organisation in National Occupational Health Services (L S Wang)
Readership: Occupational health physicians, health care administrators, health policy makers and postgraduate students.
“… The old method of learning things by reading textbooks is still one of the best, in spite of the great advances made in information technology. This is the reason why it was considered worthwhile to summarize the first ICOH Seminar Course into a book. The present book is intended both for self-studies and as a textbook to be used at national postgraduate training courses. Without pretending to cover all fields of occupational health, the book focuses on prevention of some of the most obvious risks, such as pesticide poisoning and work-related cancer. It also describes the function of different types of occupational health care systems, and it discusses how to identify needs and to evaluate the quality of the health care activities. The interconnection between occupational health care and primary health care systems is described, and the problems of small-scale industries are highlighted. Also, office work is discussed because of the new types of problems introduced by information technology and computers. This book should be regarded as a complement to, not a substitute for, more conventional textbooks on occupational health. Being an organization whose aim is to foster occupational health in the whole world, ICOH hopes that this book will become well distributed and well read by occupational health professionals in all industrialising countries.”
from the foreword by Sven Hernberg (ICOH)