This unique and beautifully-illustrated book aims to give a comprehensive account of present-day knowledge of the flora of China, one of the most botanically rich of the world's warm temperate regions. In preparing it, the authors have consulted many specialist scholars and numerous research papers, many published only in Chinese.
The book contains concise descriptions of all the major groups of seed plants, classified under the Englerian system into 49 orders and 225 families. A key to the families in each order is given, along with an account of their diagnostic characters. The genera within each family and their distribution are discussed and a synoptic key to the Chinese genera provided. Plants of special interest are also mentioned. Two appendices detailing the plants according to the Cronquist system of classification are included for completeness. The text is augmented throughout by more than 150 handsome line drawings.
- Introduction
- Some Aspects of the Flora of China
- The Seed Plants (Division Spermatophyta)
- Gymnosperms (Subdivision 1. Gymnospermae)
- Angiosperms (Subdivision 2. Angiospermae)
- Dictoyledons (Class 1. Dicotyledoneae)
- Monocotyledons (Class 2. Monocotyledoneae)
- Appendices: Outline of Classification of Angiosperms or Magnoliophyta, Based on A. Cronquist, 1988
- Key to the Families
Readership: Undergraduates in biology, botanists and plant taxonomists.
“With remarkable brevity, clarity, and simplicity, this book seems destined to serve as a profusely illustrated handbook to the emerging Flora of China. In view of this incredible richness of indigenous Chinese plant life with its 192 species of gymnosperms, 4660 species of monocotyledons, and 21,902 species of dicotyledons (p. xv), the would-be plant identifier will welcome all the assistance he or she can get.”
“The book appears to be very comprehensive … The book fills a gap and is very valuable to botanists, plant geographists, ecologists and advanced students as well as to plant physiologists who want to know more about the nature and the location of Chinese seed plants.”
J Plant Physiol
“China is one of the most botanically-rich temperate regions. This book contains concise descriptions of all the major groups of seed plants, classified under the Englerian system into 49 orders and 335 families. A key to the families in each order is given, along with an account of their diagnostic character. The genera within each family and their distribution are discussed. Included are more than 150 line drawings.”
The American Herb Association