Specialists in the technical components of a synchrotron light source are usually well versed in their field and in the associated technical literature. However, with the rapid and continuing growth of synchrotron radiation research, and with new facilities coming online and being authorized for design and construction around the world, there is a need for a reference book that describes the various technical components of a synchrotron light source in a manner that will be useful to those who lack specialized technical background, but who have responsibility for some part of the design, construction, operation or development of such a facility. This would include technicians, engineers and physicists who have technical background in related fields but no specific experience with a synchrotron light source, and also project managers, laboratory directors, and government officials involved with synchrotron light facilities.
College level scientific or engineering training or the equivalent experience is assumed and appropriate mathematics is used throughout. However, the basic concepts in each chapter are given in less technical language and a glossary of terms as well as an index will make the book useful for those with less technical training or experience.
- Introduction and Overview (H Winick)
- Lattices (M Cornacchia)
- Injector Systems (G Mülhaupt)
- RF Systems (D J Thompson & D M Dykes)
- Magnet Design (N Marks)
- Magnet Power Supplies (R Richter)
- Magnetic Measurements (R P Walker)
- Vacuum Systems (J Noonan & D Walters)
- Accelerator Controls and Modeling (J Corbett & C Wermelskirchen)
- Beam Diagnostics (P Kuske)
- Magnet Support and Alignment (R E Ruland)
- Beam Instabilities (M Furman, J Byrd & S Chattopadhyay)
- Orbit Stabilizing and Multibunch Feedback Systems (J N Galayda, L-J Chung & R O Hettel)
- Wiggler and Undulator Insertion Devices (R D Schlueter)
- Conventional Facilities (V Saile & J D Scott)
- Safety (T Dickinson)
Readership: Scientists and engineers.
“Herman Winick is to be commended for organizing and editing a comprehensive selection of articles (chapters) written by leading specialists and covering all aspects of synchrotron radiation production in this excellent new book … Its swift publication makes it fully up-to-date at the time of going to press … It is extremely beneficial in allowing SR specialists from specific areas to learn about related areas. The level has been carefully monitored by the editor and is useful in providing a sound basis for further study in each area.”
Gwyn Williams
Synchrotron Radiation News
About the EditorHerman Winick is co-winner (together with James Spencer) of the 1995 US Particle Accelerator School Prize for Achievement in Accelerator Physics and Technology, for implementing the first of the insertion devices that have had a major influence on synchrotron-radiation-based sciences.