In this book, scientists write on: nuclear disarmament, including warhead dismantlement, test ban monitoring, and verification measures; the proliferation of small arms, including the UN register of conventional arms; systems for regional defence, including the future of NATO; global approaches to the problem of anthropogenic climate change; strategies for developing in peace; and the future of global govenance, in particular the UN Security Council and peace keeping operations.
- A Nuclear-Weapon-Free World:
- The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (R L Garwin)
- India and the Nuclear Test Ban (J Singh)
- The CTB Treaty and Next Steps Towards Nuclear Disarmament (W Epstein)
- Small Arms Proliferation:
- "Non-lethal" Weapons (J Altmann)
- How Deadly Could Non-lethal Weapons Be? (K K Babievsky & D S Rodionov)
- The United Nations Register of Conventional Arms: Four Years of Experience (H Wulf)
- Future Systems for Regional Defence: The Case in an Enlarged European Union:
- NATO Enlargement: Diverging Western Attitudes (L Valki)
- Russian Public Opinion on the Problems of NATO Expansion (V Goldanskii & S N Rodionov)
- The Future of NATO: A View from South-East Europe (N Behar)
- Global Action on the Energy/Climate Interaction:
- The 1.5 Kilowatt Society — Towards a Sustainable, Equitable, and Habitable World (H-P Dürr)
- The Potential of Renewable Energies (H Glubrecht)
- Nuclear Energy, the Climate and Nuclear Disarmament (V Knapp)
- Developing in Peace:
- Economic Development and Global Financial Institutions (U D'Ambrosio)
- Collective Violence within States from a Political Economy Perspective (B De G Fortman & C Kortekaas)
- The Fight Against Poverty and National Development Strategies (A Ruiz)
- The UN After the 50th Anniversary: Global Governance:
- UN Peacekeeping Operations in 1995 (T Findlay)
- Peacekeeping and Peacekeeping Operations (G von Bonsdorff)
- and other papers
Readership: Social scientists.