This book introduces multiple criteria and multiple constraint levels linear programming (MC2LP), which is an extension of linear programming (LP) and multiple criteria linear programming (MCLP). In the last decade, the author and a group of researchers from the USA, China, Korea, Germany, and Hungary have been working on the theory and applications of MC2LP problems. This volume integrates their main research results ranging from theoretical bases to broad areas of real world applications. The theoretical bases include the formulation of MC2LP; integer MC2LP and MC2 transportation model; fuzzy MC2LP and fuzzy duality of MC2LP; optimal system designs and contingency plans; MC2 decision support system; and MC2 computer software development. The application areas are accounting, management information systems, production planning, and telecommunications management.
The book serves as a seminar text for both undergraduates and graduates who have a linear algebra or equivalent background. For practitioners, it will help in handling LP type problems in multiple decision making environment.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (130 KB)
Chapter 1: Introduction (733 KB)
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- Basic Concepts and Techniques:
- Basic Techniques of Linear Programming
- Relations between LP, MC, and MC2 Problems
- MC2 Linear Programming
- Special MC2 Problems:
- MC2 Integer Problems
- MC2 Transportation Problems
- Fuzzy MC2 Solutions:
- Fuzzy MC2 Problems
- Duality of Fuzzy MC2 Problems
- Optimal Linear Designs:
- Optimal System Designs and Contingency Plans
- Generalized Good System and Contingency Plans
- Optimal System Designs and Dual Contingency Plans
- Generalized Good Systems and Dual Contingency Plans with Computer Aided System
- Related Approaches:
- Satisficing and Compromise Models
- De Novo Programming with Multiple Criteria
- Eliminating Permanently Dominated Opportunity
- Applications:
- Optimal Trade-Off Analysis in Transfer Pricing
- Capital Budgeting with Multiple Criteria and Multiple Decision Makers
- Data File Allocations
- Rural Telecommunications System Credit Card Portfolio Management
- Aggregate Production Planning
- Agricultural Policy Making
Readership: Undergraduates and graduates in operations research, as well as operations research scientists and practitioners.
“This book brings a fresh breath to classical linear programming so that it can be applied to many real-world problems without facing classical limitations … It is so well-designed that one, no matter how familiar with the theory, can easily learn MC and MCL. It contains theoretical and practical details about these topics, which makes the book stronger and attractive for researchers as well as for people who are unfamiliar with the area.”
Journal of the Operational Research Society
“Shi's book is a valuable summary of the research he and his colleagues have conducted during the last 15 years. It will interest researchers working on extensions and generalizations of LP models and pivoting-based algorithms. The final part on applications, may interest a broad audience of OR practitioners because Shi describes successful applications of MC2 LP to various important real-world problems … Instructors may find material in the book to include in their courses on mathematical programming or MCDM, and material useful in assignments related to real-world problems.”
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (130 KB)
Chapter 1: Introduction (733 KB)
9789812810748SM01.iso (1728 KB)
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