This invaluable book has been written for engineers and engineering scientists in a style that is readable, precise, concise, and practical. It gives first priority to the formulation of problems, presenting the classical results as the gold standard, and the numerical approach as a tool for obtaining solutions. The classical part is a revision of the well-known text Foundations of Solid Mechanics, with a much-expanded discussion on the theories of plasticity and large elastic deformation with finite strains. The computational part is all new and is aimed at solving many major linear and nonlinear boundary-value problems.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (129 KB)
Chapter 1.1: Hooke's Law (183 KB)
Chapter 1.2: Linear Solids with Memory: Models of Viscoelasticity (169 KB)
Chapter 1.3: Sinusoidal Oscillations in a Viscoelastic Material (168 KB)
Chapter 1.4: Plasticity (145 KB)
Chapter 1.5: Vibrations (177 KB)
Chapter 1.6: Prototype of Wave Dynamics (132 KB)
Chapter 1.7: Biomechanics (115 KB)
Chapter 1.8: Historical Remarks (130 KB)
Chapter 2: Tensor Analysis (28 KB)
Chapter 3: Stress Tensor (434 KB)
Chapter 7: Linearized Theory of Elasticity (448 KB)
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- Tensor Analysis
- Stress Tensor
- Analysis of Strain
- Conservation Laws
- Elastic and Plastic Behavior of Materials
- Linearized Theory of Elasticity
- Solutions of Problems in Linearized Theory of Elasticity by Potentials
- Two-Dimensional Problems in Linearized Theory of Elasticity
- Variational Calculus, Energy Theorems, Saint-Venant's Principle
- Hamilton's Principle, Wave Propagation, Applications of Generalized Coordinates
- Elasticity and Thermodynamics
- Irreversible Thermodynamics and Viscoelasticity
- Thermoelasticity
- Viscoelasticity
- Large Deformation
- Incremental Approach to Solving Some Nonlinear Problems
- Finite Element Methods
- Mixed and Hybrid Formulations
- Finite Element Methods for Plates and Shells
- Finite Element Modeling of Nonlinear Elasticity, Viscoelasticity, Plasticity, Viscoplasticity and Creep
Readership: Graduate and senior undergraduate students as well as researchers in computational mechanics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, bioengineering, aeronautics, astronautics and materials science.
"... this is a good, comprehensive, unified presentation of much of the field of solid mechanics, written by two well-regarded researchers in that field."
Applied Mechanics Reviews
Dr Fung works on solid mechanics, and has contributed to expand its frontiers bordering aerodynamics and biology. He helped to establish the fields of aeroelasticity and biomechanics.
He received his BS and MS from the National Central University in China and PhD from the California Institute of Technology. He is the recipient of the von Karman Medal from ASCE, Timoshenko Medal from ASME, Poiseuille Medal from ISB, Borelli Medal from ASB, Landis Award from Microcirculatory Society, an Alza Award from BMES.
He is a member of the US National Academy of Science, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine of NAS, Academia Sinica, and Chinese Academy of Science. He is Honorary Professor of 16 universities in China, and Distinguished Alumnus of Caltech.
Dr Tong is a preeminent developer of computational solid mechanics. He uses more and more general variational principles that admit less and less restrictive hypotheses.
He received his BS degree from Taiwan University, and his MS and PhD from the California Institute of Technology. He was Research Fellow at Caltech, Assistant and Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, Chief of Structures and Dynamics Division of US Department of Transportation, Transportation Systems Center.
He is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Founding Head of the Department at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Author of over 100 papers and a book on Finite Element Method, Dr Tong is regional editor of Int J of Fracture, and Int J Comp Mech, and President of Far East Oceanic Fracture Soc, HK Soc Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and HK Sec ASME.
Dr Tong received the von Karman Award for his outstanding contribution to structural materials, Engineer of the Year Award, and Award for Meritorious Achievement from the US Department of Transportation.