This book discusses systematically treatment on the development of stochastic, statistical and state space models of the HIV epidemic and of HIV pathogenesis in HIV-infected individuals, and presents the applications of these models. The book is unique in several ways: (1) it uses stochastic difference and differential equations to present the stochastic models of the HIV epidemic and HIV pathogenesis; in this sense, the deterministic models are considered as special cases when the numbers of different type of people or cells are very large; (2) it provides a critical analysis of deterministic and statistical models in the literature; (3) it develops state space models by combining stochastic models and statistical models; and (4) it provides a detailed discussion on the pros and cons of the different modeling approaches.
This book is the first to introduce state space models for the HIV epidemic. It is also the first to develop stochastic models and state space models for the HIV pathogenesis in HIV-infected individuals.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (1,327 KB)
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- Introduction
- Some Basic Concepts and Stochastic Processes for Modeling the AIDS Epidemic and the HIV Pathogenesis
- Some Stochastic Transmission Models of the HIV Epidemic
- Statistical Modeling of the HIV Epidemic
- The Backcalculation Method for the HIV Epidemic
- Some State Space Models of the HIV Epidemic and Applications
- Some Stochastic Models of HIV Pathogenesis in HIV-Infected Individuals in the Absence of Anti-Viral Treatment
- Stochastic Models of HIV Pathogenesis Under Treatment by Anti-Viral Drugs
- Some State Space Models of HIV Pathogenesis in HIV-Infected Individuals
Readership: Graduate students in probability and statistics.
“The author has provided a splendid source of information on the research carried out on the epidemiology of HIV and AIDS over the past couple of decades; his book can be recommended to professionals and students alike. No statistical, biological or medical library should be without it.”
“For someone wanting to use stochastic models for HIV, this book fills a niche in providing the reader with a general background to using these models … Overall, I find this book to be somewhat refreshing in its approach to stochastic models and their application to AIDS epidemiology and HIV pathogenesis … For a person interested in applications of stochastic models to HIV, I would recommend this book …”
SIAM Review