This book provides an introduction to the basic principles of neutron scattering and its application to current problems in condensed matter science and technology. Experiments on novel materials are particularly emphasized.
- Introduction:
- Principles of Neutron Scattering (P Böni et al.)
- Materials Science:
- Neutron Imaging (E H Lehmann)
- Neutron Tomography (B Schillinger)
- Neutron Powder Diffraction and New Materials (A W Hewat)
- Texture, Strain and Precipitates (M Grosse)
- Scattering Between Bragg Peaks (B Schönfeld)
- Optically Active Materials (R A Rupp)
- Soft Condensed Matter and Biology:
- Introduction to Soft Matter Systems (M Monkenbusch)
- SANS of Polymer Networks Under Deformation (W Pyckhout-Hintzen et al.)
- Dynamics of Polymer Systems (A Arbe)
- Biomolecular Dynamics by Neutron Scattering (H D Middendorf)
- Spin Contrast Variation for Macromolecular Research (O Zimmer)
- Surfaces and Interfaces:
- Neutron Reflectometry: Technique and Applications (D Clemens)
- Nanocrystalline Materials: Dominance of Interfaces and Mesoscopic Correlations (W Wagner et al.)
- Rare-Earth Compounds:
- Magnetic Ordering Phenomena in Rare-Earth Compounds (L Keller)
- Crystal-Field Phenomena in Rare-Earth Compounds (A Mirmelstein)
- Magnetic Excitations:
- Spin Excitations in Localized and Itinerant Magnets (B Roessli & P Böni)
- Triplet Excitations in a Family of S=1/2 Unconventional Antiferromagnets (N Cavadini et al.)
- Superconductivity and Superfluidity:
- Spin Dynamics in Cuprates and Its Relation to Superconductivity (Ph Bourges)
- Using Neutrons and Muons to Probe the Vortex Lattice in Type II Superconductors (S L Lee)
- Magnetic and Electronic Excitations in High-Temperature Superconductors (J Mesot)
- Superfluid 4Helium — A Very Novel Material (M A Adams)
- Summary:
- Summary of the School (W E Fischer)
Readership: Materials scientists and condensed matter scientists.