This book presents worldwide outstanding research and recent progress in the applications of neural networks, fuzzy logic, chaos, independent component analysis, etc to fields related to speech recognition enhancement, supervised Fourier demixing noise elimination, acoustic databases, the human hearing system, cancer detection, image processing, and visual communications.
- Speech Hyphenation Segmentation by Means of Blind Source Separation (H Szu & C Hsu)
- Higher-Order Moments Based Synthesis of Supervised Fourier Demixing Filter (E Uchino et al.)
- Design and Application of an Acoustic Database Navigator for the Interactive Analysis of Psychoacoustic Sound Archives and Sound Engineering (A Konig et al.)
- Multilayer Perception Networks with Adaptive Centroid Transformation (M Lehtokangas)
- Identification and Analysis for Transiently Evoked Otoacoustic Emission (L-M Li et al.)
- New Reliability Models Based on Imprecise Probabilities (L V Utkin & S V Gurov)
- Multi-Modular Neural Network for Breast Cancer Detection (H Li & K J R Liu)
- Advanced Neural Nets for Visual Image Communication (H Szu & C Hsu)
- Continuous Valued Techniques Based on the Lagrangian Method for the Wire Routing Problem (S Ismail et al.)
- Chaotic Neural Networks for Information Processing (C Hsu & H Szu)
- Wavelet Encoding for Interactive Genetic Algorithm in Emotional Image Retrieval (J-Y Lee & S-B Cho)
- A Call Admission Control Using Interval Arithmetic Coulomb Energy Network (W D Lee et al.)
Readership: Upper level undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, academic lecturers and senior engineers in fuzzy logic, machine perception and pattern recognition.