This invaluable book consists of problems in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics together with their solutions. Most of the problems have been tested in class. The degree of difficulty varies from very simple to research-level. The problems illustrate certain aspects of quantum mechanics and enable the students to learn new concepts, as well as providing practice in problem solving.
The book may be used as an adjunct to any of the numerous books on quantum mechanics and should provide students with a means of testing themselves on problems of varying degrees of difficulty. It will be useful to students in an introductory course if they attempt the simpler problems. The more difficult problems should prove challenging to graduate students and may enable them to enjoy problems at the forefront of quantum mechanics.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The Breakdown of Classical Mechanics (179 KB)
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- The Breakdown of Classical Mechanics
- Review of Classical Mechanics
- Elementary Systems
- One-Dimensional Problems
- More One-Dimensional Problems
- Mathematical Foundations
- Physical Interpretation
- Distributions and Fourier Transforms
- Algebraic Methods
- Central Force Problems
- Transformation Theory
- Non-degenerate Perturbation Theory
- Degenerate Perturbation Theory
- Further Approximation Methods
- Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
- Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field
- Angular Momentum, Etc
- Scattering-Time Dependent
- Scattering-Time Independent
- Systems of Identical Particles
- Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Readership: Upper level undergraduates and graduate students in quantum and theoretical physics.
“There is a good spread of difficulty level and excellent organization. The choice of the problems would probably satisfy most people who teach such courses. The book is a useful addition to what is currently available to teachers and students alike.”
Mathematical Reviews