In recent years, semigroups and languages have seen huge developments and found their motivation in other fields of mathematics as well as in computer science. This book is a collection of original contributions in those fields.
The proceedings have been selected for coverage in:
• Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings® (ISTP® / ISI Proceedings)
• Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)
• CC Proceedings — Engineering & Physical Sciences
- The Equational Theory of ??-Terms for Finite P-Trivial Semigroups (J Almeida & M Zeitoun)
- Some Results on Cerný Type Problems for Transformation Semigroups (D S Ananichev & M V Volkov)
- Near Permutation Semigroups (J M André)
- The Origins of Independence Algebras (J Araújo & J Fountain)
- Abelian Kernels, Solvable Monoids and the Abelian Kernel Length of a Finite Monoid (M Delgado & V H Fernandes)
- Braids and Factorizable Inverse Monoids (D Easdown et al.)
- Hyperbolic Groups and Completely Simple Semigroups (J Fountain & M Kambites)
- An Introduction to E∗-Unitary Inverse Semigroups — From an Old-Fashioned Perspective (D B McAlister)
- Turán's Graph Theorem and Maximum Independent Sets in Brandt Semigroups (J D Mitchell)
- On Semilattices of Archimedean Semigroups — A Survey (M Mitrovic)
- Relative Rewriting Systems (S J Pride & J Wang)
- Inverse Semigroups Acting on Graphs (J Renshaw)
- A Modern Approach to Some Results of Stiffler (B Steinberg)
Readership: Researchers, graduate students and academics in algebra and theoretical computer science.