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Frustrated Spin Systems cover
Also available at Amazon and Kobo

This book covers all principal aspects of currently investigated frustrated systems, from exactly solved frustrated models to real experimental frustrated systems, going through renormalization group treatment, Monte Carlo investigation of frustrated classical Ising and vector spin models, low-dimensional systems, spin ice and quantum spin glass. The reader can — within a single book — obtain a global view of the current research development in the field of frustrated systems.

This new edition is updated with recent theoretical, numerical and experimental developments in the field of frustrated spin systems. The first edition of the book appeared in 2005. In this edition, more recent works until 2012 are reviewed. It contains nine chapters written by researchers who have actively contributed to the field. Many results are from recent works of the authors.

The book is intended for postgraduate students as well as researchers in statistical physics, magnetism, materials science and various domains where real systems can be described with the spin language. Explicit demonstrations of formulas and full arguments leading to important results are given where it is possible to do so.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Frustration — Exactly Solved Frustrated Models (621 KB)

  • Frustration — Exactly Solved Frustrated Models (H T Diep and H Giacomini)
  • Properties and Phase Transitions in Frustrated Ising Systems (Ojiro Nagai, Tsuyoshi Horiguchi and Seiji Miyashita)
  • Renormalization Group Approaches to Frustrated Magnets in D=3 (B Delamotte, D Mouhanna and M Tissier)
  • Phase Transitions in Frustrated Vector Spin Systems: Numerical Studies (D Loison)
  • Two-Dimensional Quantum Antiferromagnets (Grégoire Misguich and Claire Lhuillier)
  • One-Dimensional Quantum Spin Liquids (P Lecheminant)
  • Spin Ice (Steven T Bramwell, Michel J P Gingras and Peter C W Holdsworth)
  • Experimental Studies of Frustrated Pyrochlore Antiferromagnets (Bruce D Gaulin and Jason S Gardner)
  • Recent Progress in Spin Glasses (N Kawashima and H Rieger)

Readership: Postgraduates and researchers in condensed matter physics, magnetism, statistical physics, theoretical physics, and materials science.