Tissue engineering has been recognized as offering an alternative technique to whole-organ and tissue transplantation for diseased, failed, or malfunctioned organs. To reconstruct a new tissue via tissue engineering, the following triad components are needed: (1) cells which are harvested and dissociated from the donor tissue; (2) biomaterials as scaffold substrates in which cells are attached and cultured, resulting in implantation at the desired site of the functioning tissue; and (3) growth factors which promote and/or prevent cell adhesion, proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Of these three key components, scaffolds play a critical role in tissue engineering. This timely book focuses on the preparation and characterization of scaffold biomaterials for the application of tissue-engineered scaffolds. More importantly, it serves as an experimental guidebook on the standardization of the fabrication process and characterization of scaffolding technology.
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- Protocol for Solvent-Casting/Salt-Leaching Method (G Khang et al.)
- Protocol for Ice Particle-Leaching Method (M S Kim et al.)
- Protocol for Gas-Foaming/Salt Leaching Method (T G Park)
- Protocol for Gel-Pressing Method (S H Kim)
- Protocol of PLGA Microspheres for Tissue-Engineered Scaffold (J T Ko et al.)
- Preparation and Usage of Macroporous Bead (E Bae)
- Protocol for Particle-Aggregated Scaffolds (P B Malafaya & R L Reis)
- Protocol for Freeze-Drying Method (C H Kim et al.)
- Protocol for Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIPS) (H D Kim et al.)
- Protocol for Centrifugation Method (S H Oh & J H Lee)
- Injectable Thermosensitive Gel (S C Song)
- Preparation of an Acellular Scaffold (S-S Kim & B-S Kim)
- Protocol for Self-Assembled Human Hair Keratins (S J Lee & M van Dyke)
- Protocol for Nanofibre Electrospinning Scaffold (J K Park)
- Preparation of Microfibres and Fibrous Scaffolds by Wet Spinning Method (S J Lee)
- Fabrication of Nonwoven Fibre by Melt-Blown Process (M S Khil & H Y Kim)
- Three-Dimensional Tissue Printing Technology (T Xu et al.)
- Protocol for Melt-Based Rapid Prototyping (R A Sousa et al.)
- Growth Factor-Released Scaffold (J W Bae & K D Park)
- Preparation of Ceramic Scaffold by Sponge Replication Method (C K You & S Y Kim)
- Protocol for Simple Calcium Phosphate Coating Method (H-M Kim)
- Method and Techniques for Scaffold Sterilisation (M S Kim et al.)
Readership: Academia and industry players in the tissue engineering field; as an experimental guidebook for graduate and undergraduate students.