Advances in Geosciences is the result of a concerted effort in bringing the latest results and planning activities related to earth and space science in Asia and the international arena. The volume editors are all leading scientists in their research fields covering six sections: Hydrological Science (HS), Planetary Science (PS), Solar Terrestrial (ST), Solid Earth (SE), Ocean Science (OS) and Atmospheric Science (AS). The main purpose is to highlight the scientific issues essential to the study of earthquakes, tsunamis, atmospheric dust storms, climate change, drought, flood, typhoons, monsoons, space weather, and planetary exploration.
This volume is abstracted in NASA's Astrophysics Data System:
- Volume 6: Hydrological Science (HS)
- Stochastic Generation of Multi-Site Rainfall Occurrences (R Srikanthan & G G S Pegram)
- Monte Carlo Simulation for Calculating Drought Characteristics (C Chaleeraktrakoon & S Noikumsin)
- On Regional Estimation of Floods for Ungaged Sites (V-T-V Nguyen)
- and other papers
- Volume 7: Planetary Science (PS)
- Some Similarities and Differences Between the Mars and Venus Solar Wind Interactions (J-G Trotignin)
- Asteroid Compositions: Some Evidence from Polarimetry (A Cellino et al.)
- Formation of Alumina Nanoparticles in Plasma (M Kurumada & C Kaito)
- From Nuclear Blasts to Cosmic Bombardment (K O'Brien)
- and other papers
- Volume 8: Solar Terrestrial (ST)
- A New Perspective on the Relationship Between Substorms and Magnetic Storms (B T Tsurutani & W D Gonzalez)
- Comparative Measurements of Cosmic Radiation Monitors for Aircrew Exposure Assessment (I L Getley et al.)
- Modeling of Aircrew Radiation Exposure from Galactic Cosmic Rays and Solar Particle Events (M Takada et al.)
- and other papers
- Volume 9: Solid Earth (SE), Ocean Science (OS) & Atmospheric Science (AS)
- Seismic Characteristics of Strong Deep Focal Earthquakes and Associated Phenomena in Northeastern Asia (J Wang et al.)
- Moho Depths in the Indian Ocean Based on the Inversion of Satellite Gravity Data (D N Arabelos et al.)
- Post Earthquake Debris Management — An Overview (R Sarkar)
- and other papers
Readership: Academics, researchers and postgraduate students in geosciences.