These proceedings honor the long careers in theoretical particle physics of B H J McKellar and G C Joshi, who established theoretical particle physics research at the University of Melbourne.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Three Nucleon Forces and Nuclear Structure (356 KB)
- Three Nucleon Forces and Nuclear Structure (B R Barrett)
- How Magnetic is the Neutrino? (N F Bell)
- Anions and Anomalies (M Bawin et al.)
- Property Values (R Delbourgo)
- Interacting Bose Gas Confined by an External Potential (G Gnanapragasam & M Das)
- Variation of the Fundamental Constants: Theory and Observations (V V Flambaum)
- Mirror Dark Matter (R Foot)
- Analytic, Non-Perturbative, Almost-Exact QED: The Two-Point Function (H M Fried)
- Sterile Neutrinos in a 6 x 6 Matrix Approach (T Goldman)
- Particle Physics in Condensed Matter (C Hamer)
- CP Violation (X-G He)
- Quantum Computation in Silicon — Device Modeling, Transport and Fault-Tolerance (L C L Hollenberg)
- Born Reciprocity in Two Dimensions: Quaplectic Group Symmetry, Branching Rules and State Labelling (P D Jarvis)
- Quark–Lepton Symmetry and Quartification in Five Dimensions (K L McDonald)
- MSW in Reverse, What SNO Says About Pseudo–Dirac Neutrinos (G J Stephenson, Jr)
- Looking Forward to the Large Hadron Collider (G N Taylor)
- Some Recent Lattice QCD Results from the CSSM (S Boinpolli et al.)
Readership: Physicist and academic.