This is a collection of the Mundell-Huang Da Lectures on Economics held at the Renmin University of China, including lectures by leading authorities in the international economics circle and Nobel Prize winners such as Jean-Jacques Laffont, Michael Spence, Edmund Phelps, Robert Shiller and Robert J Barro. Each speech is accompanied by insightful comments from economists in China to help readers understand the latest developments in economics and finance and integrate them with China's current situation.
- Globalization and the RMB Exchange Rate (Robert A Mundell)
- The Issues on China's Macroeconomy Strategy Under Current International Situation (Robert A Mundell)
- Growth: Does China's Economy Keep on High-Speed Growth in 20 Years From Now on? (Michael Spence)
- Employment, Inflation and Continuable Economic Growth (Edmund Phelps)
- Will Renminbi Become the Third Power Currency of the World? (Ronald I Mckinnon)
- The Analysis of the Influential Factors on Economic Growth: Some New Evidence (Robert J Barro)
- The Lessons of the Asian Financial Crisis (Frederic S Mishkin)
- Imagination, Futures and Financial Futures (Leo Melamed)
- The Interconnection and Pricing of the Internet (Jean-Jacques Laffont)
- The Rising of Behavior Finance (Robert J Shiller)
- The Framework of the Retirement Risk Analysis (Zvi Bodie)
- The Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy: The Role of Financial Markets (Benjamin M Friedman)
- Social Security System and Retirement Behavior: New Perspectives and Evidence (Harvey Rosen)
- The Challenge to European Financial and Fiscal Policy: Discussion With Formerly Deputy (Caio Koch-Weser)
- Understanding Modern Economics (Qian Yingyi)
- Can State Ownership Really Promote the Balanced Development? (Chen Zhiwu)
- The Flat Tax (Alvin Rabushka)
- The US's Experience in Venture Capita (Mario W Cardullo)
- The Issues on Corporate Governance Structure of Chinese Listed Firms (Bei Duoguang)
- Thinking of the Management Strategy of the Financial Holding Company (Xie Jianping)
Readership: Advanced undergraduates and graduate students in Economics and Finance; experts researching Economics and Finance, especially in China.