This book focuses on the World Bank projects, led by the author, based on computable general equilibrium models of international trade policy. The chapters show an unusual combination of policy relevance, advice and impact, with academic rigor and international trade theory insights. The author discusses some of the policy contexts for the requests from developing and transition countries to the World Bank, the key trade theory or policy insights, policy recommendations and conclusions, and the policy impacts.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview (283 KB)
- Introduction and Overview
- Trade Policy: Quantitative Restraints, Foreign Exchange Surrender and Uniformity:
- Welfare Costs of US Quotas in Textiles, Steel and Autos (J de Melo and D G Tarr)
- Reforming Hungarian Agricultural Trade Policy: A Quantitative Evaluation (M Morkre and D G Tarr)
- Second-Best Foreign Exchange Policy in the Presence of Domestic Price Controls and Export Subsidies (D G Tarr)
- Trade Reform in the Partially Liberalized Economy of Turkey (G W Harrison, T F Rutherford and D G Tarr)
- Evaluating the Impact of Services and FDI with Endogenous Productivity Effects:
- The Impact of Liberalizing Barriers to Foreign Direct Investment in Services: The Case of Russian Accession to the World Trade Organization (J Jensen, T F Rutherford and D G Tarr)
- Regional Impacts of Liberalization of Barriers against Foreign Direct Investment in Services: The Case of Russia's Accession to the WTO (T F Rutherford and D G Tarr)
- Impact of Local Content Restrictions and Barriers Against Foreign Direct Investment in Services: The Case of Kazakhstan's Accession to the WTO (J Jensen and D G Tarr)
- Modeling Services Liberalization: The Case of Tanzania (J Jensen, T F Rutherford and D G Tarr)
- Trade and Poverty:
- Trade Policy and Poverty Reduction in Brazil (G W Harrison, T F Rutherford, D G Tarr and A Gurgel)
- Trade Liberalization, Poverty and Efficient Equity (G W Harrison, T F Rutherford and D G Tarr)
- Poverty Effects of Russia's WTO Accession: Modeling “Real” Households with Endogenous Productivity Effects (T F Rutherford and D G Tarr)
- Trade, Exchange Rate and Energy Pricing Reform in Iran: Potentially Large Efficiency Effects and Gains to the Poor (J Jensen and D G Tarr)
- Regionalism:
- Trade Policy Options for Chile: The Importance of Market Access (G W Harrison, T F Rutherford and D G Tarr)
Readership: Students and the general public who are interested to learn about the key trade theories or policy insights of World Bank projects, policy recommendations and their impact.