- Forthcoming-Trade Policy, Trade Agreements, and Economic Growth:
Essays in International Trade Theory
- Forthcoming-Strategic Trade Policy
- Volume 82-Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Protection of Intellectual Property in the Global Economy
- Volume 81-Globalization, Firms, and Workers
- Volume 80-Foundational Essays in Immigration Economics
- Volume 79-Firms and Workers in a Globalized World:
Larger Markets, Tougher Competition
- Volume 78-Broadening Trade Theory:
Incorporating Market Realities into Traditional Models
- Volume 77-Economic Effects of Antidumping
- Volume 76-Policy Analysis and Modeling of the Global Economy:
A Festschrift Celebrating Thomas Hertel
- Volume 75-Competition, Innovation and Trade
- Volume 74-Understanding the Implications of Trade and Financial Market Integration for Business Cycles
- Volume 73-The International Economics of Wine
- Edited by:
- Kym Anderson (University of Adelaide, Australia & Australian National University, Australia)
- Volume 72-Foreign Direct Investment
- By (author):
- Bruce A Blonigen (University of Oregon, USA & National Bureau of Economic Research, USA)
- Volume 71-Offshoring:
Causes and Consequences at the Firm and Worker Level
- Edited by:
- Holger Görg (Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany) and
- Aoife Hanley (Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany)
- Volume 70-Policy Externalities and International Trade Agreements
- By (author):
- Nuno Limão (University of Maryland, USA)
- Volume 69-Economic Analysis of the Rules and Regulations of the World Trade Organization
- Volume 68-International Trade, Capital Flows and Economic Development
- Volume 67-Megaregionalism 2.0:
Trade and Innovation within Global Networks
- Edited by:
- Dieter Ernst (East-West Center, USA & The Centre for International Governance Innovation/CIGI, Canada) and
- Michael G Plummer (The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, Italy)
- Volume 66-International and Interregional Migration:
Theory and Evidence
- Volume 65-International Trade Theory and Competitive Models:
Features, Values, and Criticisms
- Volume 64-Information Spillovers and Market Integration in International Finance:
Empirical Analyses
- Volume 63-Dimensions of Trade Policy
- Volume 62-International Trade and Labor Markets:
Welfare, Inequality and Unemployment
- Volume 61-Achieving Financial Stability:
Challenges to Prudential Regulation
- Volume 60-International Macroeconomic Interdependence
- Volume 59-Contributions to the Economics of International Labor Standards
- Volume 58-International Economic Integration and Domestic Performance
- Volume 57-Trade Policies for Development and Transition
- Volume 56-Nontariff Measures and International Trade
- Volume 55-The Future of Large, Internationally Active Banks
- Volume 54-Globalization:
The Macroeconomic Implications of Microeconomic Heterogeneity
- Volume 53-Multinational Enterprises and Host Country Development
- By (author):
- Holger Görg (Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany)
- Volume 52-Microeconometrics of International Trade
- Volume 51-The Political Economy of Trade Policy:
Theory, Evidence and Applications
- Volume 50-The Legal and Economic Analysis of the WTO/FTA System
- By (author):
- Dukgeun Ahn (Seoul National University, Korea)
- Volume 49-The Economics of International Migration
- Volume 48-The New International Financial System:
Analyzing the Cumulative Impact of Regulatory Reform
- Volume 47-Trade-Related Agricultural Policy Analysis
- Edited by:
- David Orden (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA)
- Volume 46-The Political Economy of International Trade
- Volume 45-Trade Law, Domestic Regulation and Development
- Volume 44-Non-Tariff Barriers, Regionalism and Poverty:
Essays in Applied International Trade Analysis
- Volume 43-Farm Policies and World Markets:
Monitoring and Disciplining the International Trade Impacts of Agricultural Policies
- Volume 42-Developing Countries in the World Economy
- By (author):
- Jaime de Melo (FERDI, France & University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Volume 41-Modeling Developing Countries' Policies in General Equilibrium
- By (author):
- Jaime de Melo (FERDI, France & University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Volume 40-Shadow Banking Within and Across National Borders
- Volume 39-Evolving Patterns in Global Trade and Finance
- Volume 38-International Trade, Distribution and Development:
Empirical Studies of Trade Policies
- Volume 37-The Path of World Trade Law in the 21st Century
- Volume 36-Trade Policy in Asia:
Higher Education and Media Services
- Volume 35-The Floating World:
Issues in International Trade Theory
- Volume 34-Applied Trade Policy Modeling in 16 Countries:
Insights and Impacts from World Bank CGE Based Projects
- Volume 33-Economics and Politics of Trade Policy
- Volume 32-Asian Free Trade Agreements and WTO Compatibility:
Goods, Services, Trade Facilitation and Economic Cooperation
- Volume 31-Exchange Rates and Global Financial Policies
- Volume 30-The Role of Central Banks in Financial Stability:
How Has It Changed?
- Volume 29-The Social Value of the Financial Sector:
Too Big to Fail or Just Too Big?
- Edited by:
- Viral V Acharya (New York University, USA & Centre for Economic Policy (CEPR), UK),
- Thorsten Beck (Centre for Economic Policy (CEPR), UK & Tilburg University, The Netherlands),
- Douglas D Evanoff (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, USA),
- George G Kaufman (Loyola University Chicago, USA), and
- Richard Portes (Centre for Economic Policy (CEPR), UK & London Business School , UK)
- Volume 28-Services Trade Reform:
Making Sense of It
- By (author):
- Philippa Dee (The Australian National University, Australia)
- Volume 27-European Economic Integration, WTO Membership, Immigration and Offshoring
- Volume 26-World Trade Organization and International Trade Law:
Antidumping, Subsidies and Trade Agreements
- By (author):
- Gary N Horlick (Law Offices of Gary N Horlick, USA & University of Bern, Switzerland)
- Volume 25-Priorities and Pathways in Services Reform — Part II:
Political Economy Studies
- Volume 24-Globalizing Information:
The Economics of International Technology Trade
- Volume 23-Priorities and Pathways in Services Reform — Part I:
Quantitative Studies
- Edited by:
- Philippa Dee (Australian National University, Australia)
- Volume 22-International Trade Policy Formation:
Theory and Politics
- Volume 21-Regulation of Foreign Investment:
Challenges to International Harmonization
- Volume 20-Trade, Development and Agriculture:
Essays in Economic Policy Analysis
- Edited by:
- Kym Anderson (University of Adelaide, Australia & Australian National University, Australia)
- Volume 19-The World Economy after the Global Crisis:
A New Economic Order for the 21st Century
- Volume 18-Quantitative Analysis of Newly Evolving Patterns of International Trade:
Fragmentation, Offshoring of Activities, and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade
- Edited by:
- Robert M Stern (University of Michigan, USA & University of California-Berkeley, USA)
- Volume 17-Macroprudential Regulatory Policies:
The New Road to Financial Stability?
- Volume 16-Comparative Advantage, Growth, and the Gains from Trade and Globalization:
A Festschrift in Honor of Alan V Deardorff
- Volume 15-Systemic Implications of Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation and Competition
- Volume 14-The International Financial Crisis:
Have the Rules of Finance Changed?
- Volume 13-Light the Lamp:
Papers on World Trade and Investment in Memory of Bijit Bora
- Volume 12-The Japanese Economy in Retrospect:
Selected Papers by Gary R Saxonhouse(In 2 Volumes)
- Volume 11-Free Trade Agreements in the Asia Pacific
- Volume 10-The First Credit Market Turmoil of the 21st Century:
Implications for Public Policy
- Volume 9-Globalization and International Trade Policies
- Volume 8-Challenges of Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa Region
- Volume 7-Fostering Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia
- Volume 6-Globalization and Systemic Risk
- Volume 5-Institutions and Gender Empowerment in the Global Economy
- Edited by:
- Kartik Roy (University of Queensland, Australia),
- Hans Blomqvist (Swedish School of Economics & Business Administration, Finland), and
- Cal Clark (Auburn University, USA)
- Volume 4-The Rules of Globalization:
Case Book
- Volume 3-Risk Management and Value:
Valuation and Asset Pricing
- Edited by:
- Mondher Bellalah (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France),
- Jean-Luc Prigent (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France),
- Jean-Michel Sahut (ESC Amiens, France),
- Georges Pariente (Institut Supérieur de Commerce Paris, France),
- Olivier Levyne (Institut Supérieur de Commerce Paris, France),
- Michel Azaria (Institut Supérieur de Commerce Paris, France), and
- Annie Delienne (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France)
- Volume 2-International Financial Instability:
Global Banking and National Regulation
- Volume 1-Cross-Border Banking:
Regulatory Challenges
- European Economic Integration and Fragmentation of Production
- Globalizing Trade and Investment:
India Arrives
- Edited by:
- Rajesh Chadha (National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), India)
- Emerging Markets
Under Contract
The International Economics of Wine
Kym Anderson (University of Adelaide, Australia)
International Macroeconomic Independence
Paul Bergin (University of California-Davis, USA)
Understanding International Trade in Competitive and Strategic Environments
Daniel Bernhofen (American University, USA)
Globalization: Rules, Economic Integration and Technology
Carlos A Primo Braga (IMD Business School, Switzerland)
Emerging Markets
Ralph D Christy (Cornell University, USA)
Rachel Mcculloch: Contributions to Understanding the Global Trading System
Judith M Dean (Brandeis University, USA)
Exchange Rates, International Prices and Monetary Policy
Charles Engel (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Globalization, Growth, and Services
Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria)
Trade, Policy and the Global Economy
Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria)
Policy Analysis and Modeling of the Global Economy: A Volume in Honor of Professor Thomas Hertel
Joseph Francois (World Trade Institute & University of Bern, Switzerland) and Dominique Y van der Mensbrugghe (Purdue University, USA)
The Global Economy and Rising Asia — Trade, Investment and Policies
Kwok-Chiu Fung (University of California, USA)
The GATT Meets Law and Economics
Henrik Horn (Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Sweden) and Petros C Mavroidis (Columbia University, USA)
Modelling Depressions ad Crises
Timothy J Kehoe (University of Minnesota, USA)
Applied General Equilibrium Modelling of Trade Reform
Timothy J Kehoe (University of Minnesota, USA)
Trade and Trade Policies
Kala M Krishna (Penn State University, USA)
Intellectual Property and Trade: Effects on Innovation and Access
Margaret K Kyle (CERNA, Mines ParisTech, France)
Gains from Foreign Direct Investment: Macro and Micro Approaches
Alfaro Laura (Harvard Business School, USA)
The Political Economy of International Migration
Anna Maria Maida (Georgetown University, USA)
Sustainability for US Global Imbalances
Catherine L Mann (Brandeis University, USA)
Modelling the Global Economy
Warwick McKibbin (Australian National University, Australia) and Peter J Wilcoxen (Syracuse University, USA)
Dynamics and Distribution in International Trade
John McLaren (University of Virginia, USA)
Trade and Regulatory Reforms — The EU and the World
Patrick Messerlin (Sciences Po, France)
Globalization and Labor Markets: Theory and Evidence
Devashish Mitra (Syracuse University, USA)
Trade and Development
Marcelo Olarreaga (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Engines of Asian Economic Growth — Past and Future
Peter A Petri (Brandeis University, USA)
Emerging International Economic Issues in Asia
Michael G Plummer (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Trade Theory
Sherman Robinson (International Food Policy Research Institute, USA) and Karen Thierfelder (United States Naval Academy, USA)
The Network of World Trade: The Analytical and Empirical Analyses
Lucia Tajoli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Globalization and Innovation
Marie C Thursby (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Tales of Globalization
Daniel Trefler (University of Toronto, Canada)
Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development
Shujiro Urata (Waseda University, Japan)
Growth and International Economics
John Whalley (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Trade Costs and Global Integration: What Do We Know and Need to Know?
John S Wilson (The World Bank, USA)
Welfare and International Trade Policy
Alan Woodland (The University of New South Wales, Australia)
Innovation, Growth, and Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the Global Economy
Edwin L C Lai (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
International Trade, Conflict, and Policymaking
Constantinos Syropoulos (Drexel University, USA)
Global Business and Financial Cycles
M Ayhan Kose (The World Bank, USA)
Cooperation and Conflict in International Trade
Rodney D Ludema (Georgetown University, USA)
Intra-industry Trade and Economic Geography
Marius Brulhart (University of of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Multilateral Tariff Bargaining
Kyle Bagwell (Stanford University, USA) and Robert Staiger (Dartmouth College, USA)
Trade Policy with Monopoly and Oligopoly
Jota Ishikawa (Gakushuin University, Japan)
Green Technologies and Corporate Sustainability Towards Pursuing The Sustainable Development Goals
Soudani Ahlem (University of Guelma, Algeria), Mohammed El Amine Abdelli (University of Western Brittany-UBO, France), and Arabeche Zina (University of Ahmed Zabana of Relizane, Algeria)
Trade Migration and American Integration
Raymond Robertson (Texas A&M University, USA)
Computational Analysis of Agricultural Trade
Will John Martin (International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), USA)
Purchasing Power Parity
David H Papell (University of Houston, Texas, USA)
International Transactions and the Diffusion of Technology
Wolfgang Keller (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)