Over the last four decades, the direction of research on international trade policy formation has been significantly influenced by Wolfgang Mayer's contributions to both the positive and normative theory of international trade and, in particular, to the political economy of actual policy formation. This volume consists of a collection of Mayer's original articles, selected with the objective to further facilitate the study and advancement of the theory of trade policy formation.
Part I of this book deals with the pure theory of international trade, as the theoretical underpinning for the formation of trade policies. Specifically, it explores the robustness of the Heckscher–Ohlin framework and its two core propositions — the Stolper–Samuelson and Rybczynski theorems — by relaxing its underlying assumptions in four ways: limiting the inter-industry mobility of factors of production in the short run; allowing for industry economies of scale; introducing uncertainty of commodity prices; and endogenizing a country's supply of labor.
Part II addresses issues related to first-best trade policies which had gained prominence during the period of multilateral trade liberalization under the auspices of the GATT, such as: the scope and limits of negotiated tariff agreements; first-best policy justifications for import restrictions and export promotions; and the use of import-quality standards as a substitute for tariffs.
Part III explores the political economy of trade policy formation. It is a response to the observation that, in spite of wide agreement on a country's welfare-maximizing policies, they continue to deviate quite markedly from actually adopted policies. The models of Part III account for the political environment in which governments operate, with particular emphasis on majority voting by individuals with heterogeneous policy preferences.
Part IV introduces a political-economy approach to explain the mixed success of conditional assistance programs, as designed by International Financial Institutions (IFIs). It calls for explicit incentives to motivate assistance-receiving governments to reform their economies when interest groups are powerful and IFIs have limited information on the competence and willingness of governments to implement reforms.
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (204 KB)
Preface (47 KB)
- International Trade Theory:
- Short-Run and Long-Run Equilibrium for a Small Open Economy
- Variable Returns to Scale in General Equilibrium Theory: A Comment
- The Rybczynski, Stolper–Samuelson, and Factor-Price Equalization Theorems Under Price Uncertainty
- Endogenous Labor Supply in International Trade Theory: Two Alternative Models
- International Trade Policy:
- Theoretical Considerations on Negotiated Tariff Adjustments
- The National Defense Tariff Argument Reconsidered
- The Tariff Equivalence of Import Standards
- The Infant-Export Industry Argument
- Political Economy of Trade-Policy Formation:
- Endogenous Tariff Formation
- Endogenous Choice of Trade Policy Instruments
- Voter Preferences for Trade Policy Instruments
- Systematic Political Grass-Root Support for Tariffs
- Age as a Determinant of Labor's Trade Policy Interests
- Interest Groups, Electoral Competition, and Probabilistic Voting for Trade Policies
- Designing Conditional Assistance Programs:
- The Political Economy of IMF Conditionality: A Common Agency Model
- International Financial Assistance: A Loan Mechanism-Design Approach
Readership: Advanced economics undergraduates, graduate and research communities interested in international economics and international trade policy formation.
“Wolfgang Mayer is arguably the most influential of the post-war theorists on the political economy of trade. This collection of his contributions shows why. It is a marvellous collection, to be savoured and treasured.”
Jagdish Bhagwati
University Professor, Economics and Law
Columbia University
“Traversing four decades, Wolfgang Mayer's contribution to international trade research has been deep and enduring. This volume showcases Wolfgang's signature flair in unleashing the predictive power and policy relevance of theories of international trade, as he systematically dissected and updated the full range of canonical assumptions on input markets, technologies, output markets, interest groups, government agency, the scope of international transactions, and the role of international organizations. A must-read for graduate students, and an essential reference for international trade researchers.”
Nancy H Chau
Professor of Economics
Cornell University
“Wolfgang Mayer has made significant lasting contributions to the theory of international trade by including the influences of trade negotiations, industry-specific benefits, voter self-interest, instrument choice, uncertainty, and national priorities in analysis of the conduct of trade policy. His insights have been original and interesting. This collection of his papers provides welcome accessibility to his contributions.”
Arye L Hillman
William Gittes Chair and Professor of Economics
Bar-Ilan University
“Wolfgang Mayer is one of the leading international trade economists of his generation. This volume contains his important contributions to international trade theory, policy and the political economy of trade policy. It is a must read for international economists.”
Stephen P Magee
Bayless/Enstar Professor of Finance and Economics
University of Texas at Austin