This volume collects 21 papers on the following topics: non-discrimination in the multilateral trading system; preferential trade agreements and multilateral trade liberalization; sustaining international tariff cooperation; and case-studies of WTO disputes.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Tariffs and the most favored nation clause
- Non-Discrimination in the Multilateral Trading System:
- Tariffs and the Most Favored Nation Clause (Kamal Saggi)
- An Analysis of the MFN Clause under Asymmetries of Cost and Market Structure (Kamal Saggi and Halis Murat Yildiz)
- National Treatment at the WTO: The Roles of Product and Country Heterogeneity (Kamal Saggi and Nese Sara)
- On the Emergence of an MFN Club: Equal Treatment in an Unequal World (Kamal Saggi and Faruk Sengul)
- Is There a Case for Non-Discrimination in the International Protection of Intellectual Property? (Difei Geng and Kamal Saggi)
- Preferential Trade Agreements and Multilateral Trade Liberalization:
- Preferential Trade Agreements and Multilateral Tariff Cooperation (Kamal Saggi)
- Bilateralism, Multilateralism, and the Quest for Global Free Trade (Kamal Saggi and Halis Murat Yildiz)
- Bilateral Trade Agreements and the Feasibility of Multilateral Free Trade (Kamal Saggi and Halis Murat Yildiz)
- On the Relationship between Preferential and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: The Case of Customs Unions (Kamal Saggi, Alan Woodland, and Halis Murat Yildiz)
- External Trade Diversion, Exclusive Incentives, and the Nature of Preferential Trade Agreements (Paul Missios, Kamal Saggi, and Halis Murat Yildiz)
- Do Free Trade Agreements Affect Tariffs of Nonmember Countries? A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation (Kamal Saggi, Andrey Stoyanov, and Halis Murat Yildiz)
- Sustaining International Tariff Cooperation:
- Tariff Bindings and Bilateral Cooperation on Export Cartels (Bernard Hoekman and Kamal Saggi)
- Tariff Retaliation versus Financial Compensation in the Enforcement of International Trade Agreements (Nuno Limão and Kamal Saggi)
- The MFN Clause, Welfare, and Multilateral Cooperation between Countries of Unequal Size (Kamal Saggi)
- India at the WTO: From Uruguay Round to Doha and Beyond (Kamal Saggi)
- Size Inequality, Coordination Externalities and International Trade Agreements (Nuno Limão and Kamal Saggi)
- Case-studies of WTO Disputes:
- Incomplete Harmonization Contracts in International Economic Law: Report of the Panel, China — Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, WT/DS362/R, adopted 20 March 2009 (Kamal Saggi and Joel P Trachtman)
- Yet Another Nail in the Coffin of Zeroing: United States — Anti-Dumping Administrative Reviews and Other Measures Related to Imports of Certain Orange Juice from Brazil (Kamal Saggi and Mark Wu)
- What is Not so Cool about US–COOL Regulations? A Critical Analysis of the Appellate Body's Ruling on US–COOL (Petros C Mavroidis and Kamal Saggi)
- Understanding Agricultural Price Range Systems as Trade Restraints: Peru–Agricultural Products (Kamal Saggi and Mark Wu)
- Trade and Agricultural Disease: Import Restrictions in the Wake of the India–Agricultural Products Dispute (Kamal Saggi and Mark Wu)
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and postgraduates taking advance classes in international trade and economic development.
Kamal Saggi is the Dean of Social Sciences in the College of Arts and Science and the Frances and John Downing Family Professor of Eonomics at Vanderbilt University. Dr Saggi has published extensively in the areas of international trade and economic development. Two major themes underlying his research are: (i) the inter-relationships between intellectual property rights protection, trade, and technology transfer in the global economy and the (ii) economic underpinnings of the rules and regulations of the contemporary multilateral trading system as embodied in the major trade agreements of the World Trade Organization and its dispute settlement process.