Economics and Politics of Trade Policy brings together a set of 16 papers that focus primarily on the political economy of international trade. What sets these papers apart is the recurrent theme of developing and extending political economic analysis beyond details commonly considered when the papers were written. The book takes a deeper look at institutional and behavioral details that researchers have formerly overlooked, delving into issues such as administered rather than legislated protection; incorporation of unemployment; and behavioral considerations such as fairness. Together with a few other papers that consider theoretic issues of trade, this book will provide a thought-provoking overview of the most important research on international trade, political economy and policy over the past decades.
- Economics and Politics of Administered Protection:
- The Political Economy of Administered Protection
- Institutional Structure in the Political Economy of Protection: Legislated v. Administered Protection
- How Bad is Antidumping? Evidence from Panel Data
- The Broader Context of Trade Policy Making:
- Domestic Political Preconditions of US Trade Policy: Liberal Structure and Protectionist Dynamics
- Institutional Structure and Time Horizon in a Simple Model of the Political Economy: The Lowi Effect
- Women and Tariffs: Testing the Gender Gap Hypothesis in a Downs-Mayer Political-Economy Model
- The Peculiar Political Economy of NAFTA: Complexity, Uncertainty and Footloose Policy Preferences
- Structural Change and the Labor-market Effects of Globalization
- Can Compensation Save Free Trade?
- The Politics of (Anti-)Globalization: What Do We Learn from Simple Models?
- Learning from Behavioral Economics: Fairness in Trade and Trade Policy:
- Fair Wages, Unemployment and Technological Change in a Global Economy
- Fairness and the Political Economy of Trade
- A Behavioral Model of Unemployment, Sociotropic Concerns, and the Political Economy of Trade Policy
- Trade Theory:
- Incentive Compatible Regulation of a Foreign-owned Subsidiary
- Intra-Industry Trade as an Indicator of Labor Market Adjustment
- A Geometry of Specialisation
Readership: Professionals, graduate students and researchers in the fields of international trade, political economy and international trade policy.
“For three decades, Douglas Nelson has successfully enriched the international trade-policy literature by adding a political scientist's eye for realism to economists' predilection for rigorous modeling. This collection of articles examines a country's trade policies when influenced by its political institutions, overall conduct of foreign policy, and the public's policy preferences under unemployment and policy-fairness considerations. It is a must-read for trade-policy researchers with an agenda for more realistic modeling.”
Wolfgang Mayer
David Sinton Professor Emeritus of Economics
University of Cincinnati, USA
“This is a great collection of insightful essays by a very original thinker. By making them available in one place, this book provides a very valuable service and it is a must-read for any scholar interested in international trade policy.”
Professor Giovanni Facchini
Director, Nottingham Centre for Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP)
School of Economics
University of Nottingham, UK
Professor Douglas R Nelson is Professor of Economics at the Murphy Institute of Political Economy, Tulane University, United States. He is also currently an external fellow of the Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy at the University of Nottingham. His primary research interests lie in the areas of political economy of trade policy, the empirical link between globalisation and wages, and trade and trade policy under increasing returns to scale.