This introductory textbook for a graduate course in pure mathematics provides a gateway into the two difficult fields of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Algebraic geometry, supported fundamentally by commutative algebra, is a cornerstone of pure mathematics.
Along the lines developed by Grothendieck, this book delves into the rich interplay between algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. A selection is made from the wealth of material in the discipline, along with concise yet clear definitions and synopses.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Finitely Generated Algebras (185 KB)
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- Finitely Generated Algebras
- The K-Spectrum and the Zariski Topology
- Prime Spectra and Dimension
- Schemes
- Projective Schemes
- Regular, Normal and Smooth Points
- Riemann–Roch Theorem
Readership: Students and professionals in mathematics.
“This monograph is possibly unique in offering at the graduate level an equally balanced, detailed, thoroughly integrated and relatively advanced combination of core topics in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. The material is well-illustrated with examples. Moreover there is a wide range of exercises, many of them informative and some quite challenging.”