New Edition available here
Etale cohomology is an important branch in arithmetic geometry. This book covers the main materials in SGA 1, SGA 4, SGA 4 1/2 and SGA 5 on etale cohomology theory, which includes decent theory, etale fundamental groups, Galois cohomology, etale cohomology, derived categories, base change theorems, duality, and l-adic cohomology. The prerequisites for reading this book are basic algebraic geometry and advanced commutative algebra.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Descent Theory (771 KB)
- Descent Theory
- Etale Morphisms and Smooth Morphisms
- Etale Fundamental Groups
- Group Cohomology and Galois Cohomology
- Etale Cohomology
- Derived Categories and Derived Functors
- Base Change Theorems
- Duality
- Finiteness Theorems
- ℓ-Adic Cohomology
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in pure mathematics.
- While the most complete treatment on etale cohomology is in SGA 1, 4, 4 1/2 and 5, which is about 3000 pages long, the existing textbooks on etale cohomology theory are, however, incomplete. This book, at about 540 pages, gives a relatively complete treatment of etale cohomology theory.
- To achieve an understanding of this book, the reader is only assumed to be familiar with basic algebraic geometry (up to the level of the first three chapters in Algebraic Geometry by R Hartshorne, Springer-Verlag, 1977) and advanced commutative algebra (up to the level of Commutative Algebra by H Matsumura, Benjamin, New York, 1970)
“A very nice feature of Fu's work is the inclusion of some relevant topics, that are covered only briefly (or not at all) in other references. As is the case throughout the book, proofs are given for almost all results in these chapters. One should also remark that precise hypotheses are explicitly stated in most cases for each result. This shall prove very handy when using the book as a reference.”
Mathematical Reviews
“The book will certainly be very useful to anybody wishing to understand the key tools and results in étale cohomology theory, together with their proofs… Any reader with adequate background and an interest in seriously studying étale cohomology will find the thoroughness of this book really useful.”