This proceedings is a collection of articles by front-line researchers in Mathematical Analysis, giving the reader a wide perspective of the current research in several areas like Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis and Measure Theory.
The works are a fundamental source for current and future developments in these research fields. The articles and surveys have been collected as well as reference results scattered in the corresponding literature and thus, are highly useful to researchers.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: In memoriam: Professor Antonio Aizpuru (4,147k)
- Mini-Courses:
- Weyl Type Theorems for Bounded Linear Operators on Banach Spaces (Pietro Aiena)
- Finitely Additive Measures in Action (Joe Diestel and Angela Spalsbury)
- Sampling and Recovery of Bandlimited Functions and Applications to Signal Processing (Th. Schlumprecht)
- Plenary Speakers:
- Isometric Shifts Between Spaces of Continuous Functions (Jesús Araujo)
- Uniform Algebras of Symmetric Holomorphic Functions (Richard M Aron and Pablo Galindo)
- Some Results on the Local Theory of Normed Spaces Since 2002 (1997) (F J García-Pacheco)
- A Survey on Linear (Additive) Preserver Problems (Mostafa Mbekhta)
- Bounded Approximation Properties via Banach Operator Ideals (Eve Oja)
- Linear or Bilinear Mappings Between Spaces of Continuous or Lipschitz Functions (Fernando Rambla-Barreno)
- Summability and Lineability in the Work of Antonio Aizpuru Tomás (Juan B Seoane-Sepúlveda)
- Optimal Bounds for the Hardy Operator Minus the Identity (Javier Soria)
Readership: Researchers and professionals in analysis.