This book provides an introduction to measure theory and functional analysis suitable for a beginning graduate course, and is based on notes the author had developed over several years of teaching such a course. It is unique in placing special emphasis on the separable setting, which allows for a simultaneously more detailed and more elementary exposition, and for its rapid progression into advanced topics in the spectral theory of families of self-adjoint operators. The author's notion of measurable Hilbert bundles is used to give the spectral theorem a particularly elegant formulation not to be found in other textbooks on the subject.
Sample Chapter(s)
Topological Spaces (233 KB)
- Topological Spaces
- Measure and Integration
- Banach Spaces
- Dual Banach Spaces
- Spectral Theory
Readership: Graduates students in mathematics (pure and applied) in their first or second year, graduate students in physics or engineering, and economics.
“This book would serve admirably well for a one–semester course on the subject. In view of its conciseness and brevity, it serves as a useful reference for graduate students studying for qualifying exams.”
Mathematical Association of America
“It is unique in placing special emphasis on the separable setting, which allows for a simultaneously more detailed and more elementary exposition, and for its rapid progression into advanced topics in the spectral theory of families.”
Zentralblatt MATH
“This nice book contains an enormous amount of information in relatively few pages.”
“This is a nice book! It contains an enormous amount of information in relatively few pages. This is more a textbook to help a teacher present an inspiring course in modern analysis rather than a book for self-study.”
Mathematical Reviews Clippings