This edited volume presents the most recent achievements in risk measurement and management, as well as regulation of the financial industry, with contributions from prominent scholars and practitioners such as Robert Engle, 2003 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Viral Acharya, Torben Andersen, Zvi Bodie, Menachem Brenner, Aswath Damodaran, Marti Subrahmanyam, William Ziemba and others. The book provides a comprehensive overview of recent emerging standards in risk management from an interdisciplinary perspective. Individual chapters expound on the theme of standards setting in this era of financial crises where new and unseen global risks have emerged. They are organized in a such a way that allows the reader a broad perspective of the new emerging standards in macro, systemic and sovereign risk before zooming into the micro perspective of how risk is conceived and treated within a corporation. A section is dedicated to credit risk and to the increased importance of liquidity both in financial systems and at the firm's level.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: An Evolutionary Perspective of the Concept of Risk, Uncertainty and Risk Management (421 KB)
- The Evolution of Risk Management:
- An Evolutionary Perspective on the Concept of Risk, Uncertainty and Risk Management (Oliviero Roggi and Omar Ottonelli)
- Sovereign and Systemic Risk:
- Toward A Bottom-Up Approach to Assessing Sovereign Default Risk: An Update (Edward I Altman and Herbert Rijken)
- Measuring Systemic Risk (Viral V Acharya, Christian Brownlees, Robert Engle, Farhang Farazmand and Matthew Richardson)
- Taxing Systemic Risk (Viral V Acharya, Lasse Pedersen, Thomas Philippon and Matthew Richardson)
- Liquidity:
- Liquidity and Efficiency in Three Related Foreign Exchange Options Markets (Menachem Brenner and Ben Z Schreiber)
- Illiquidity or Credit Deterioration: A Study of Liquidity in the US Corporate Bond Market During Financial Crises (Nils Friewald, Rainer Jankowitsch and Marti G Subrahmanyam)
- Risk Management Principles and Strategies:
- Integrated Wealth and Risk Management: First Principles (Zvi Bodie)
- Analyzing the Impact of Effective Risk Management: Innovation and Capital Structure Effects (Torben Juul Andersen)
- Credit Risk:
- Modeling Credit Risk for SMEs: Evidence from the US Market (Edward I Altman and Gabriele Sabato)
- SME Rating: Risk Globally, Measure Locally (Oliviero Roggi and Alessandro Giannozzi)
- Credit Loss and Systematic LGD (Jon Frye and Michael Jacobs Jr.)
- Equity Risk and Market Crashes:
- Equity Risk Premiums (ERP): Determinants, Estimation and Implications — The 2012 Edition (Aswath Damodaran)
- Stock Market Crashes in 2007–2009: Were We Able to Predict Them? (Sébastien Lleo and William T Ziemba)
Readership: Researchers and professionals with interest in risk management within the context of the banking, econometrics, mathematical economics, quantitative finance, corporate and risk governance, and corporate finance.
Dr Oliviero Roggi is Professor of Corporate Finance at the University of Florence since 2004. In 2011, he joined New York University Stern School of Business as a Visiting Associate Professor of Finance where he taught “Valuation”, as part of Finance course, to MBA students. Dr Roggi was a Visiting Scholar at NYU Stern in 2009, and a Salomon Center Research Fellow in 2010. In 2008, he partnered with Dr Edward Altman of New York Stern School of Business to establish the International Risk Management Conference.
Dr Roggi has published papers and books on SME rating and general rating models. In 2009, he published Rischio, Valore e Insolvenza (Risk Value and Company Default, forthcoming in this series). He co-authored the third Italian edition of Applied Corporate Finance with Prof. Aswath Damodaran of New York Stern School of Business. He also co-authored the IFC World Bank handbook on risk management titled: Risk Taking: A Corporate Governance Perspective with Aswath Damodaran and Maxine Garvey.
In 2007, he founded the Finanza Firenze Research Center. From 2008 to 2009, he was a Visiting Professor at Universidade de Fortaleza and a Visiting Researcher at City University Business School from 1998 to 2000.
Dr Roggi is a consultant for the European Commission, Regione Toscana (Italy) and other publicly owned entities, and has been conducting research in the area of enterprise risk management, particularly credit risk, since 2004. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Country Risk Forum of Associazione Bancaria Italiana (ABI- Italian Bankers Association) and is the chairman and founder of The Risk Banking and Finance Society. He has also worked as a consultant at IFC World Bank Group since 2010.
Dr Roggi received his BA in Banking (with honors) from the University of Florence, and PhD in Management and Finance from the University of Bologna and City University Business School (Joint PhD program).
Dr Edward Altman is the Max L Heine Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business, New York University, and Director of the Credit and Fixed Income Research Program at the NYU Salomon Center.
Dr Altman has an international reputation as an expert on corporate bankruptcy, high yield bonds, distressed debt and credit risk analysis. He was named Laureate 1984 by the Hautes Études Commerciales Foundation in Paris for his accumulated works on corporate distress prediction models and procedures for firm financial rehabilitation and awarded the Graham & Dodd Scroll for 1985 by the Financial Analysts Federation for his work on Default Rates and High Yield Corporate Debt. He was a Founding Executive Editor of the Journal of Banking & Finance.
Professor Altman was inducted into the Fixed Income Analysts Society Hall of Fame in 2001 and elected President of the Financial Management Association (2003) and a Fellow of the FMA in 2004, and was amongst the inaugural inductees into the Turnaround Management Association's Hall of Fame in 2008.
In 2005, Dr Altman was named one of the “100 Most Influential People in Finance” by Treasury & Risk Management magazine and is frequently quoted in the popular press and on network TV.
Dr Altman has been an advisor to many financial institutions including Merrill Lynch, Salomon Brothers, Citigroup, Concordia Advisors, Investcorp and the RiskMetrics Group, (MSCI, Inc.). He is now an Advisor to Paulson & Co., a consultant to FINRA and he serves on the Board of the Franklin Series Funds. He is also Chairman of the Academic Advisory Council of the Turnaround Management Association. Dr Altman was a Founding Trustee of the Museum of American Finance and was Chairman of the Board of the International Schools Orchestras of New York.