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The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2013 is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research in the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. Presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are published in an archival proceedings volume. PSB 2013 will be held on January 3 – 7, 2013 in Kohala Coast, Hawaii. Tutorials and workshops will be offered prior to the start of the conference.
PSB 2013 will bring together top researchers from the US, the Asian Pacific nations, and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of computational biology. It is a forum for the presentation of work in databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling, and other computational methods, as applied to biological problems, with emphasis on applications in data-rich areas of molecular biology.
The PSB has been designed to be responsive to the need for critical mass in sub-disciplines within biocomputing. For that reason, it is the only meeting whose sessions are defined dynamically each year in response to specific proposals. PSB sessions are organized by leaders of research in biocomputing's “hot topics.” In this way, the meeting provides an early forum for serious examination of emerging methods and approaches in this rapidly changing field.
The following sections are included:
Despite increasing investments in pharmaceutical R&D, there is a continuing paucity of new drug approvals. Drug discovery continues to be a lengthy and resource-consuming process in spite of all the advances in genomics, life sciences, and technology. Indeed, it is estimated that about 90% of the drugs fail during development in phase 1 clinical trials1 and that it takes billions of dollars in investment and an average of 15 years to bring a new drug to the market2.…
Connectivity map data and associated methodologies have become a valuable tool in understanding drug mechanism of action (MOA) and discovering new indications for drugs. However, few systematic evaluations have been done to assess the accuracy of these methodologies. One of the difficulties has been the lack of benchmarking data sets. Iskar et al. (PLoS. Comput. Biol. 6, 2010) predicted the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) drug classification based on drug-induced gene expression profile similarity (DIPS), and quantified the accuracy of their method by computing the area under the curve (AUC) of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. We adopt the same data and extend the methodology, by using a simpler eXtreme cosine (XCos) method, and find it does better in this limited setting than the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic. In fact, for partial AUC (a more relevant statistic for actual application to repositioning) XCos does 17% better than the DIPS method (p=1.2e−7). We also observe that smaller gene signatures (with 100 probes) do better than larger ones (with 500 probes), and that DMSO controls from within the same batch obviate the need for mean centering. As expected there is heterogeneity in the prediction accuracy amongst the various ATC codes. We find that good transcriptional response to drug treatment appears necessary but not sufficient to achieve high AUCs. Certain ATC codes, such as those corresponding to corticosteroids, had much higher AUCs possibly due to strong transcriptional responses and consistency in MOA.
Knowledge of immune system and host-pathogen pathways can inform development of targeted therapies and molecular diagnostics based on a mechanistic understanding of disease pathogenesis and the host response. We investigated the feasibility of rapid target discovery for novel broad-spectrum molecular therapeutics through comprehensive systems biology modeling and analysis of pathogen and host-response pathways and mechanisms. We developed a system to identify and prioritize candidate host targets based on strength of mechanistic evidence characterizing the role of the target in pathogenesis and tractability desiderata that include optimal delivery of new indications through potential repurposing of existing compounds or therapeutics. Empirical validation of predicted targets in cellular and mouse model systems documented an effective target prediction rate of 34%, suggesting that such computational discovery approaches should be part of target discovery efforts in operational clinical or biodefense research initiatives. We describe our target discovery methodology, technical implementation, and experimental results. Our work demonstrates the potential for in silico pathway models to enable rapid, systematic identification and prioritization of novel targets against existing or emerging biological threats, thus accelerating drug discovery and medical countermeasures research.
Exploiting drug polypharmacology to identify novel modes of actions for drug repurposing has gained significant attentions in the current era of weak drug pipelines. From a serendipitous to systematic or rational ways, a variety of unimodal computational approaches have been developed but the complexity of the problem clearly needs multi-modal approaches for better solutions. In this study, we propose an integrative computational framework based on classical structure-based drug design and chemical-genomic similarity methods, combined with molecular graph theories for this task. Briefly, a pharmacophore modeling method was employed to guide the selection of docked poses resulting from our high-throughput virtual screening. We then evaluated if complementary results (hits missed by docking) can be obtained by using a novel chemo-genomic similarity approach based on chemical/sequence information. Finally, we developed a bipartite-graph based on the extensive data curation of DrugBank, PDB, and UniProt. This drug-target bipartite graph was used to assess similarity of different inhibitors based on their connections to other compounds and targets. The approaches were applied to the repurposing of existing drugs against ACK1, a novel cancer target significantly overexpressed in breast and prostate cancers during their progression. Upon screening of ∼1,447 marketed drugs, a final set of 10 hits were selected for experimental testing. Among them, four drugs were identified as potent ACK1 inhibitors. Especially the inhibition of ACK1 by Dasatinib was as strong as IC50=1nM. We anticipate that our novel, integrative strategy can be easily extended to other biological targets with a more comprehensive coverage of known bio-chemical space for repurposing studies.
Given the difficulty of experimental determination of drug-protein interactions, there is a significant motivation to develop effective in silico prediction methods that can provide both new predictions for experimental verification and supporting evidence for experimental results. Most recently, classification methods such as support vector machines (SVMs) have been applied to drug-target prediction. Unfortunately, these methods generally rely on measures of the maximum “local similarity” between two protein sequences, which could mask important drug-protein interaction information since drugs are much smaller molecules than proteins and drug-target binding regions must comprise only small local regions of the proteins. We therefore develop a novel sparse learning method that considers sets of short peptides. Our method integrates feature selection, multi-instance learning, and Gaussian kernelization into an L1 norm support vector machine classifier. Experimental results show that it not only outperformed the previous methods but also pointed to an optimal subset of potential binding regions. Supplementary materials are available at “www.cs.ualberta.ca/~ys3/drug_target”.
A key issue in drug development is to understand the hidden relationships among drugs and targets. Computational methods for novel drug target predictions can greatly reduce time and costs compared with experimental methods. In this paper, we propose a network based computational approach for novel drug and target association predictions. More specifically, a heterogeneous drug-target graph, which incorporates known drug-target interactions as well as drug-drug and target-target similarities, is first constructed. Based on this graph, a novel graph-based inference method is introduced. Compared with two state-of-the-art methods, large-scale cross-validation results indicate that the proposed method can greatly improve novel target predictions.
Epigenomics involves the global study of mechanisms, such as histone modifications or DNA methylation, that have an impact on development or phenotype, are heritable, but are not directly encoded in the DNA sequence. The recent availability of large epigenomic data sets, coupled with the increasing recognition of the importance of epigenetic phenomena, has spurred a growing interest in computational methods for interpreting the epigenome.
DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification that regulates transcriptional expression and plays an important role in complex diseases, such as cancer. Genome-wide methylation patterns have unique features and hence require the development of new analytic approaches. One important feature is that methylation levels in disease tissues often differ from those in normal tissues with respect to both average and variability. In this paper, we propose a new score test to identify methylation markers of disease. This approach simultaneously utilizes information from the first and second moments of methylation distribution to improve statistical efficiency. Because the proposed score test is derived from a generalized regression model, it can be used for analyzing both categorical and continuous disease phenotypes, and for adjusting for covariates. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method and compare it to other tests including the most commonlyused t-test through simulations. The simulation results show that the validity of the proposed method is robust to departures from the normal assumption of methylation levels and can be substantially more powerful than the t-test in the presence of heterogeneity of methylation variability between disease and normal tissues. We demonstrate our approach by analyzing the methylation dataset of an ovarian cancer study and identify novel methylation loci not identified by the t-test.
Identifying binding sites of transcription factors (TFs) is a key task in deciphering transcriptional regulation. ChIP-based methods are used to survey the genomic locations of a single TF in each experiment. But methods combining DNase digestion data with TF binding specificity information could potentially be used to survey the locations of many TFs in the same experiment, provided such methods permit reasonable levels of sensitivity and specificity. Here, we present a simple such method that outperforms a leading recent method, centipede, marginally in human but dramatically in yeast (average auROC across 20 TFs increases from 74% to 94%). Our method is based on logistic regression and thus benefits from supervision, but we show that partially and completely unsupervised variants perform nearly as well. Because the number of parameters in our method is at least an order of magnitude smaller than centipede, we dub it millipede.
Mammalian gene regulation is often mediated by distal enhancer elements, in particular, for tissue specific and developmental genes. Computational identification of enhancers is difficult because they do not exhibit clear location preference relative to their target gene and also because they lack clearly distinguishing genomic features. This represents a major challenge in deciphering transcriptional regulation. Recent ChIP-seq based genome-wide investigation of epigenomic modifications have revealed that enhancers are often enriched for certain epigenomic marks. Here we utilize the epigenomic data in human heart tissue along with validated human heart enhancers to develop a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model of cardiac enhancers. Cross-validation classification accuracy of our model was 84% and 92% on positive and negative sets respectively with ROC AUC = 0.92. More importantly, while P300 binding has been used as gold standard for enhancers, our model can distinguish P300-bound validated enhancers from other P300-bound regions that failed to exhibit enhancer activity in transgenic mouse. While GWAS studies reveal polymorphic regions associated with certain phenotypes, they do not immediately provide causality. Next, we hypothesized that genomic regions containing a GWAS SNP associated with a cardiac phenotype might contain another SNP in a cardiac enhancer, which presumably mediates the phenotype. Starting with a comprehensive set of SNPs associated with cardiac phenotypes in GWAS studies, we scored other SNPs in LD with the GWAS SNP according to its probability of being an enhancer and choose one with best score in the LD as enhancer. We found that our predicted enhancers are enriched for known cardiac transcriptional regulator motifs and are likely to regulate the nearby gene. Importantly, these tendencies are more favorable for the predicted enhancers compared with an approach that uses P300 binding as a marker of enhancer activity.
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Discovering signaling pathways in protein interaction networks is a key ingredient in understanding how proteins carry out cellular functions. These interactions however can be uncertain events that may or may not take place depending on many factors including the internal factors, such as the size and abundance of the proteins, or the external factors, such as mutations, disorders and drug intake. In this paper, we consider the problem of finding causal orderings of nodes in such protein interaction networks to discover signaling pathways. We adopt color coding technique to address this problem. Color coding method may fail with some probability. By allowing it to run for sufficient time, however, its confidence in the optimality of the result can converge close to 100%. Our key contribution in this paper is elimination of the key conservative assumptions made by the traditional color coding methods while computing its success probability. We do this by carefully establishing the relationship between node colors, network topology and success probability. As a result our method converges to any confidence value much faster than the traditional methods. Thus, it is scalable to larger protein interaction networks and longer signaling pathways than existing methods. We demonstrate, both theoretically and experimentally that our method outperforms existing methods.
Vast amounts of molecular data characterizing the genome, epigenome and transcriptome are becoming available for a variety of cancers. The current challenge is to integrate these diverse layers of molecular biology information to create a more comprehensive view of key biological processes underlying cancer. We developed a biocomputational algorithm that integrates copy number, DNA methylation, and gene expression data to study master regulators of cancer and identify their targets. Our algorithm starts by generating a list of candidate driver genes based on the rationale that genes that are driven by multiple genomic events in a subset of samples are unlikely to be randomly deregulated. We then select the master regulators from the candidate driver and identify their targets by inferring the underlying regulatory network of gene expression. We applied our biocomputational algorithm to identify master regulators and their targets in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and serous ovarian cancer. Our results suggest that the expression of candidate drivers is more likely to be influenced by copy number variations than DNA methylation. Next, we selected the master regulators and identified their downstream targets using module networks analysis. As a proof-of-concept, we show that the GBM and ovarian cancer module networks recapitulate known processes in these cancers. In addition, we identify master regulators that have not been previously reported and suggest their likely role. In summary, focusing on genes whose expression can be explained by their genomic and epigenomic aberrations is a promising strategy to identify master regulators of cancer.
Uncovering and interpreting phenotype/genotype relationships are among the most challenging open questions in disease studies. Set cover approaches are explicitly designed to provide a representative set for diverse disease cases and thus are valuable in studies of heterogeneous datasets. At the same time pathway-centric methods have emerged as key approaches that significantly empower studies of genotype-phenotype relationships. Combining the utility of set cover techniques with the power of network-centric approaches, we designed a novel approach that extends the concept of set cover to network modules cover. We developed two alternative methods to solve the module cover problem: (i) an integrated method that simultaneously determines network modules and optimizes the coverage of disease cases. (ii) a two-step method where we first determined a candidate set of network modules and subsequently selected modules that provided the best coverage of the disease cases. The integrated method showed superior performance in the context of our application. We demonstrated the utility of the module cover approach for the identification of groups of related genes whose activity is perturbed in a coherent way by specific genomic alterations, allowing the interpretation of the heterogeneity of cancer cases.
Investigating the association between biobank derived genomic data and the information of linked electronic health records (EHRs) is an emerging area of research for dissecting the architecture of complex human traits, where cases and controls for study are defined through the use of electronic phenotyping algorithms deployed in large EHR systems. For our study, 2580 cataract cases and 1367 controls were identified within the Marshfield Personalized Medicine Research Project (PMRP) Biobank and linked EHR, which is a member of the NHGRI-funded electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network. Our goal was to explore potential gene-gene and gene-environment interactions within these data for 529,431 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with minor allele frequency > 1%, in order to explore higher level associations with cataract risk beyond investigations of single SNP-phenotype associations. To build our SNP-SNP interaction models we utilized a prior-knowledge driven filtering method called Biofilter to minimize the multiple testing burden of exploring the vast array of interaction models possible from our extensive number of SNPs. Using the Biofilter, we developed 57,376 prior-knowledge directed SNP-SNP models to test for association with cataract status. We selected models that required 6 sources of external domain knowledge. We identified 5 statistically significant models with an interaction term with p-value < 0.05, as well as an overall model with p-value < 0.05 associated with cataract status. We also conducted gene-environment interaction analyses for all GWAS SNPs and a set of environmental factors from the PhenX Toolkit: smoking, UV exposure, and alcohol use; these environmental factors have been previously associated with the formation of cataracts. We found a total of 288 models that exhibit an interaction term with a p-value ≤ 1×10−4 associated with cataract status. Our results show these approaches enable advanced searches for epistasis and gene-environment interactions beyond GWAS, and that the EHR based approach provides an additional source of data for seeking these advanced explanatory models of the etiology of complex disease/outcome such as cataracts.
Despite thousands of reported studies unveiling gene-level signatures for complex diseases, few of these techniques work at the single-sample level with explicit underpinning of biological mechanisms. This presents both a critical dilemma in the field of personalized medicine as well as a plethora of opportunities for analysis of RNA-seq data. In this study, we hypothesize that the “Functional Analysis of Individual Microarray Expression” (FAIME) method we developed could be smoothly extended to RNA-seq data and unveil intrinsic underlying mechanism signatures across different scales of biological data for the same complex disease. Using publicly available RNA-seq data for gastric cancer, we confirmed the effectiveness of this method (i) to translate each sample transcriptome to pathway-scale scores, (ii) to predict deregulated pathways in gastric cancer against gold standards (FDR<5%, Precision=75%, Recall =92%), and (iii) to predict phenotypes in an independent dataset and expression platform (RNA-seq vs microarrays, Fisher Exact Test p<10−6). Measuring at a single-sample level, FAIME could differentiate cancer samples from normal ones; furthermore, it achieved comparative performance in identifying differentially expressed pathways as compared to state-of-the-art cross-sample methods. These results motivate future work on mechanism-level biomarker discovery predictive of diagnoses, treatment, and therapy.
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Metagenomics, the study of the total genetic material isolated from a biological host, promises to reveal host-microbe or microbe-microbe interactions that may help to personalize medicine or improve agronomic practice. We introduce a method that discovers metagenomic units (MGUs) relevant for phenotype prediction through sequence-based dictionary learning. The method aggregates patient-specific dictionaries and estimates MGU abundances in order to summarize a whole population and yield universally predictive biomarkers. We analyze the impact of Gaussian, Poisson, and Negative Binomial read count models in guiding dictionary construction by examining classification efficiency on a number of synthetic datasets and a real dataset from Ref. 1. Each outperforms standard methods of dictionary composition, such as random projection and orthogonal matching pursuit. Additionally, the predictive MGUs they recover are biologically relevant.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified hundreds of genomic regions associated with common human disease and quantitative traits. A major research avenue for mature genotype-phenotype associations is the identification of the true risk or functional variant for downstream molecular studies or personalized medicine applications. As part of the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study, we as Epidemiologic Architecture for Genes Linked to Environment (EAGLE) are fine-mapping GWAS-identified genomic regions for common diseases and quantitative traits. We are currently genotyping the Metabochip, a custom content BeadChip designed for fine-mapping metabolic diseases and traits, in∼15,000 DNA samples from patients of African, Hispanic, and Asian ancestry linked to de-identified electronic medical records from the Vanderbilt University biorepository (BioVU). As an initial study of quality control, we report here the genotyping data for 360 samples of European, African, Asian, and Mexican descent from the International HapMap Project. In addition to quality control metrics, we report the overall allele frequency distribution, overall population differentiation (as measured by FST), and linkage disequilibrium patterns for a select GWAS-identified region associated with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels to illustrate the utility of the Metabochip for fine-mapping studies in the diverse populations expected in EAGLE, the PAGE study, and other efforts underway designed to characterize the complex genetic architecture underlying common human disease and quantitative traits.
Mutations in the telomerase complex disrupt either nucleic acid binding or catalysis, and are the cause of numerous human diseases. Despite its importance, the structure of the human telomerase complex has not been observed crystallographically, nor are its dynamics understood in detail. Fragments of this complex from Tetrahymena thermophila and Tribolium castaneum have been crystallized. Biochemical probes provide important insight into dynamics. In this work we summarize evidence that the T. castaneum structure is Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase. We use this structure to build a partial model of the human Telomerase complex. The model suggests an explanation for the structural role of several disease-associated mutations. We then generate a 3D kinematic trajectory of telomere elongation to illustrate a “typewriter” mechanism: the RNA template moves to keep the end of the growing telomeric primer in the active site, disengaging after every 6-residue extension to execute a “carriage return” and go back to its starting position. A hairpin can easily form in the primer, from DNA residues leaving the primer-template duplex. The trajectory is consistent with available experimental evidence. The methodology is extensible to many problems in structural biology in general and personalized medicine in particular.
Clustering of gene expression data simplifies subsequent data analyses and forms the basis of numerous approaches for biomarker identification, prediction of clinical outcome, and personalized therapeutic strategies. The most popular clustering methods such as K-means and hierarchical clustering are intuitive and easy to use, but they require arbitrary choices on their various parameters (number of clusters for K-means, and a threshold to cut the tree for hierarchical clustering). Human disease gene expression data are in general more difficult to cluster efficiently due to background (genotype) heterogeneity, disease stage and progression differences and disease subtyping; all of which cause gene expression datasets to be more heterogeneous. Spectral clustering has been recently introduced in many fields as a promising alternative to standard clustering methods. The idea is that pairwise comparisons can help reveal global features through the eigen techniques. In this paper, we developed a new recursive K-means spectral clustering method (ReKS) for disease gene expression data. We benchmarked ReKS on three large-scale cancer datasets and we compared it to different clustering methods with respect to execution time, background models and external biological knowledge. We found ReKS to be superior to the hierarchical methods and equally good to K-means, but much faster than them and without the requirement for a priori knowledge of K. Overall, ReKS offers an attractive alternative for efficient clustering of human disease data.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the leading causes of death for older people in US with rapidly increasing incidence. AD irreversibly and progressively damages the brain, but there are treatments in clinical trials to potentially slow the development of AD. We hypothesize that the presence of clinical traits, sharing common genetic variants with AD, could be used as a non-invasive means to predict AD or trigger for administration of preventative therapeutics. We developed a method to compare the genetic architecture between AD and traits from prior GWAS studies. Six clinical traits were significantly associated with AD, capturing 5 known risk factors and 1 novel association: erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The association of ESR with AD was then validated using Electronic Medical Records (EMR) collected from Stanford Hospital and Clinics. We found that female patients and with abnormally elevated ESR were significantly associated with higher risk of AD diagnosis (OR: 1.85 [1.32-2.61], p=0.003), within 1 year prior to AD diagnosis (OR: 2.31 [1.06-5.01], p=0.032), and within 1 year after AD diagnosis (OR: 3.49 [1.93-6.31], p<0.0001). Additionally, significantly higher ESR values persist for all time courses analyzed. Our results suggest that ESR should be tested in a specific longitudinal study for association with AD diagnosis, and if positive, could be used as a prognostic marker.
Meta-analysis is becoming an increasingly popular and powerful tool to integrate findings across studies and OMIC dimensions. But there is the danger that hidden dependencies between putatively “independent” studies can cause inflation of type I error, due to reinforcement of the evidence from false-positive findings. We present here a simple method for conducting meta-analyses that automatically estimates the degree of any such non-independence between OMIC scans and corrects the inference for it, retaining the proper type I error structure. The method does not require the original data from the source studies, but operates only on summary analysis results from these in OMIC scans. The method is applicable in a wide variety of situations including combining GWAS and or sequencing scan results across studies with dependencies due to overlapping subjects, as well as to scans of correlated traits, in a meta-analysis scan for pleiotropic genetic effects. The method correctly detects which scans are actually independent in which case it yields the traditional meta-analysis, so it may safely be used in all cases, when there is even a suspicion of correlation amongst scans.
Advances in phylogenetics and population genetics have produced increasing awareness of the existence of problems of interest to both fields, and of problems for which approaches from one of the two areas can inform developments in the other. Phylogenetics and population genetics examine similar topics, but at different biological scales. Both fields analyze genetic similarities and differences among organisms, and the evolutionary processes that generate those similarities and differences. Whereas population genetics considers individuals and populations within species, phylogenetics focuses on relationships among species themselves. The two fields share a number of overlapping tools, as well as similar data in the form of biological sequences. Further, they come into direct contact in the analysis of populations that are sufficiently distantly related that they differ as much as distinct species, or species that are sufficiently closely related that they approach the level of population differences…
Species tree estimation from multiple markers is complicated by the fact that gene trees can differ from each other (and from the true species tree) due to several biological processes, one of which is gene duplication and loss. Local search heuristics for two NP-hard optimization problems - minimize gene duplications (MGD) and minimize gene duplications and losses (MGDL) - are popular techniques for estimating species trees in the presence of gene duplication and loss. In this paper, we present an alternative approach to solving MGD and MGDL from rooted gene trees. First, we characterize each tree in terms of its “subtree-bipartitions” (a concept we introduce). Then we show that the MGD species tree is defined by a maximum weight clique in a vertex-weighted graph that can be computed from the subtree-bipartitions of the input gene trees, and the MGDL species tree is defined by a minimum weight clique in a similarly constructed graph. We also show that these optimal cliques can be found in polynomial time in the number of vertices of the graph using a dynamic programming algorithm (similar to that of Hallett and Lagergren1), because of the special structure of the graphs. Finally, we show that a constrained version of these problems, where the subtree-bipartitions of the species tree are drawn from the subtree-bipartitions of the input gene trees, can be solved in time that is polynomial in the number of gene trees and taxa. We have implemented our dynamic programming algorithm in a publicly available software tool, available at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/phylo/software/dynadup/.
Many methods for inferring species trees from gene trees have been developed when incongruence among gene trees is due to incomplete lineage sorting. A method called STAR (Liu et al, 2009), assigns values to nodes in gene trees based only on topological information and uses the average value of the most recent common ancestor node for each pair of taxa to construct a distance matrix which is then used for clustering taxa into a tree. This method is very efficient computationally, scaling linearly in the number of loci and quadratically in the number of taxa, and in simulations has shown to be highly accurate for moderate to large numbers of loci as well as robust to molecular clock violations and misestimation of gene trees from sequence data. The method is based on a particular choice of numbering nodes in the gene trees; however, other choices for numbering nodes in gene trees can also lead to consistent inference of the species tree. Here, expected values and variances for average pairwise distances and differences between average pairwise distances in the distance matrix constructed by the STAR algorithm are used to analytically evaluate efficiency of different numbering schemes that are variations on the original STAR numbering for small trees.
Neighbor-joining is one of the most widely used methods for constructing evolutionary trees. This approach from phylogenetics is often employed in population genetics, where distance matrices obtained from allele frequencies are used to produce a representation of population relationships in the form of a tree. In phylogenetics, the utility of neighbor-joining derives partly from a result that for a class of distance matrices including those that are additive or tree-like—generated by summing weights over the edges connecting pairs of taxa in a tree to obtain pairwise distances—application of neighbor-joining recovers exactly the underlying tree. For populations within a species, however, migration and admixture can produce distance matrices that reflect more complex processes than those obtained from the bifurcating trees typical in the multispecies context. Admixed populations—populations descended from recent mixture of groups that have long been separated—have been observed to be located centrally in inferred neighbor-joining trees, with short external branches incident to the path connecting their source populations. Here, using a simple model, we explore mathematically the behavior of an admixed population under neighbor-joining. We show that with an additive distance matrix, a population admixed among two source populations necessarily lies on the path between the sources. Relaxing the additivity requirement, we examine the smallest nontrivial case—four populations, one of which is admixed between two of the other three—showing that the two source populations never merge with each other before one of them merges with the admixed population. Furthermore, the distance on the constructed tree between the admixed population and either source population is always smaller than the distance between the source populations, and the external branch for the admixed population is always incident to the path connecting the sources. We define three properties that hold for four taxa and that we hypothesize are satisfied under more general conditions: antecedence of clustering, intermediacy of distances, and intermediacy of path lengths. Our findings can inform interpretations of neighbor-joining trees with admixed groups, and they provide an explanation for patterns observed in trees of human populations.
The rapid accumulation of whole-genome data has renewed interest in the study of the evolution of genomic architecture, under such events as rearrangements, duplications, losses. Comparative genomics, evolutionary biology, and cancer research all require tools to elucidate the mechanisms, history, and consequences of those evolutionary events, while phylogenetics could use whole-genome data to enhance its picture of the Tree of Life. Current approaches in the area of phylogenetic analysis are limited to very small collections of closely related genomes using low-resolution data (typically a few hundred syntenic blocks); moreover, these approaches typically do not include duplication and loss events. We describe a maximum likelihood (ML) approach for phylogenetic analysis that takes into account genome rearrangements as well as duplications, insertions, and losses. Our approach can handle high-resolution genomes (with 40,000 or more markers) and can use in the same analysis genomes with very different numbers of markers. Because our approach uses a standard ML reconstruction program (RAxML), it scales up to large trees. We present the results of extensive testing on both simulated and real data showing that our approach returns very accurate results very quickly. In particular, we analyze a dataset of 68 high-resolution eukaryotic genomes, with from 3,000 to 42,000 genes, from the eGOB database; the analysis, including bootstrapping, takes just 3 hours on a desktop system and returns a tree in agreement with all well supported branches, while also suggesting resolutions for some disputed placements.
Incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) is a common source of gene tree incongruence in multilocus analyses. Numerous approaches have been developed to infer species trees in the presence of ILS. Here we provide a mathematical analysis of several coalescent-based methods. The analysis is performed on a three-taxon species tree and assumes that the gene trees are correctly reconstructed along with their branch lengths. It suggests that maximum likelihood (and some equivalents) can be significantly more accurate in this setting than other methods, especially as ILS gets more pronounced.
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We consider the problem of phylogenetic placement, in which large numbers of sequences (often next-generation sequencing reads) are placed onto an existing phylogenetic tree. We adapt our recent work on phylogenetic tree inference, which uses ancestral sequence reconstruction and locality-sensitive hashing, to this domain. With these ideas, new sequences can be placed onto trees with high fidelity in strikingly fast runtimes. Our results are two orders of magnitude faster than existing programs for this domain, and show a modest accuracy tradeoff. Our results offer the possibility of analyzing many more reads in a next-generation sequencing project than is currently possible.
We have developed a novel approach called ChIPModule to systematically discover transcription factors and their cofactors from ChIP-seq data. Given a ChIP-seq dataset and the binding patterns of a large number of transcription factors, ChIPModule can efficiently identify groups of transcription factors, whose binding sites significantly co-occur in the ChIP-seq peak regions. By testing ChIPModule on simulated data and experimental data, we have shown that ChIPModule identifies known cofactors of transcription factors, and predicts new cofactors that are supported by literature. ChIPModule provides a useful tool for studying gene transcriptional regulation.
Rare variants (RVs) will likely explain additional heritability of many common complex diseases; however, the natural frequencies of rare variation across and between human populations are largely unknown. We have developed a powerful, flexible collapsing method called BioBin that utilizes prior biological knowledge using multiple publicly available database sources to direct analyses. Variants can be collapsed according to functional regions, evolutionary conserved regions, regulatory regions, genes, and/or pathways without the need for external files. We conducted an extensive comparison of rare variant burden differences (MAF < 0.03) between two ancestry groups from 1000 Genomes Project data, Yoruba (YRI) and European descent (CEU) individuals. We found that 56.86% of gene bins, 72.73% of intergenic bins, 69.45% of pathway bins, 32.36% of ORegAnno annotated bins, and 9.10% of evolutionary conserved regions (shared with primates) have statistically significant differences in RV burden. Ongoing efforts include examining additional regional characteristics using regulatory regions and protein binding domains. Our results show interesting variant differences between two ancestral populations and demonstrate that population stratification is a pervasive concern for sequence analyses.
Copy-number variants (CNVs) represent a functionally and evolutionarily important class of variation. Here we take advantage of the use of pooled sequencing to detect CNVs with large differences in allele frequency between population samples. We present a method for detecting CNVs in pooled population samples using a combination of paired-end sequences and read-depth. Highly differentiated CNVs show large differences in the number of paired-end reads supporting individual alleles and large differences in readdepth between population samples. We complement this approach with one that uses a hidden Markov model to find larger regions differing in read-depth between samples. Using novel pooled sequence data from two populations of Drosophila melanogaster along a latitudinal cline, we demonstrate the utility of our method for identifying CNVs involved in local adaptation.
Human genetics recently transitioned from GWAS to studies based on NGS data. For GWAS, small effects dictated large sample sizes, typically made possible through meta-analysis by exchanging summary statistics across consortia. NGS studies groupwise-test for association of multiple potentially-causal alleles along each gene. They are subject to similar power constraints and therefore likely to resort to meta-analysis as well. The problem arises when considering privacy of the genetic information during the data-exchange process. Many scoring schemes for NGS association rely on the frequency of each variant thus requiring the exchange of identity of the sequenced variant. As such variants are often rare, potentially revealing the identity of their carriers and jeopardizing privacy. We have thus developed MetaSeq, a protocol for meta-analysis of genome-wide sequencing data by multiple collaborating parties, scoring association for rare variants pooled per gene across all parties. We tackle the challenge of tallying frequency counts of rare, sequenced alleles, for metaanalysis of sequencing data without disclosing the allele identity and counts, thereby protecting sample identity. This apparent paradoxical exchange of information is achieved through cryptographic means. The key idea is that parties encrypt identity of genes and variants. When they transfer information about frequency counts in cases and controls, the exchanged data does not convey the identity of a mutation and therefore does not expose carrier identity. The exchange relies on a 3rd party, trusted to follow the protocol although not trusted to learn about the raw data. We show applicability of this method to publicly available exome-sequencing data from multiple studies, simulating phenotypic information for powerful meta-analysis. The MetaSeq software is publicly available as open source.
The biggest challenge for text and data mining is to truly impact the biomedical discovery process, enabling scientists to generate novel hypothesis to address the most crucial questions. Among a number of worthy submissions, we have selected six papers that exemplify advances in text and data mining methods that have a demonstrated impact on a wide range of applications. Work presented in this session includes data mining techniques applied to the discovery of 3-way genetic interactions and to the analysis of genetic data in the context of electronic medical records (EMRs), as well as an integrative approach that combines data from genetic (SNP) and transcriptomic (microarray) sources for clinical prediction. Text mining advances include a classification method to determine whether a published article contains pharmacological experiments relevant to drug-drug interactions, a fine-grained text mining approach for detecting the catalytic sites in proteins in the biomedical literature, and a method for automatically extending a taxonomy of health-related terms to integrate consumer-friendly synonyms for medical terminologies.
Genetic association studies have rapidly become a major tool for identifying the genetic basis of common human diseases. The advent of cost-effective genotyping coupled with large collections of samples linked to clinical outcomes and quantitative traits now make it possible to systematically characterize genotype-phenotype relationships in diverse populations and extensive datasets. To capitalize on these advancements, the Epidemiologic Architecture for Genes Linked to Environment (EAGLE) project, as part of the collaborative Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study, accesses two collections: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) and BioVU, Vanderbilt University's biorepository linked to de-identified electronic medical records. We describe herein the workflows for accessing and using the epidemiologic (NHANES) and clinical (BioVU) collections, where each workflow has been customized to reflect the content and data access limitations of each respective source. We also describe the process by which these data are generated, standardized, and shared for meta-analysis among the PAGE study sites. As a specific example of the use of BioVU, we describe the data mining efforts to define cases and controls for genetic association studies of common cancers in PAGE. Collectively, the efforts described here are a generalized outline for many of the successful approaches that can be used in the era of high-throughput genotype-phenotype associations for moving biomedical discovery forward to new frontiers of data generation and analysis.
Technology is driving the field of human genetics research with advances in techniques to generate high-throughput data that interrogate various levels of biological regulation. With this massive amount of data comes the important task of using powerful bioinformatics techniques to sift through the noise to find true signals that predict various human traits. A popular analytical method thus far has been the genome-wide association study (GWAS), which assesses the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the trait of interest. Unfortunately, GWAS has not been able to explain a substantial proportion of the estimated heritability for most complex traits. Due to the inherently complex nature of biology, this phenomenon could be a factor of the simplistic study design. A more powerful analysis may be a systems biology approach that integrates different types of data, or a meta-dimensional analysis. For this study we used the Analysis Tool for Heritable and Environmental Network Associations (ATHENA) to integrate high-throughput SNPs and gene expression variables (EVs) to predict high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels. We generated multivariable models that consisted of SNPs only, EVs only, and SNPs + EVs with testing r-squared values of 0.16, 0.11, and 0.18, respectively. Additionally, using just the SNPs and EVs from the best models, we generated a model with a testing r-squared of 0.32. A linear regression model with the same variables resulted in an adjusted r-squared of 0.23. With this systems biology approach, we were able to integrate different types of high-throughput data to generate meta-dimensional models that are predictive for the HDL-C in our data set. Additionally, our modeling method was able to capture more of the HDL-C variation than a linear regression model that included the same variables.
The rapid development of sequencing technologies makes thousands to millions of genetic attributes available for testing associations with various biological traits. Searching this enormous high-dimensional data space imposes a great computational challenge in genome-wide association studies. We introduce a network-based approach to supervise the search for three-locus models of disease susceptibility. Such statistical epistasis networks (SEN) are built using strong pairwise epistatic interactions and provide a global interaction map to search for higher-order interactions by prioritizing genetic attributes clustered together in the networks. Applying this approach to a population-based bladder cancer dataset, we found a high susceptibility three-way model of genetic variations in DNA repair and immune regulation pathways, which holds great potential for studying the etiology of bladder cancer with further biological validations. We demonstrate that our SEN-supervised search is able to find a small subset of three-locus models with significantly high associations at a substantially reduced computational cost.
Background. Drug-drug interaction (DDI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. DDI research includes the study of different aspects of drug interactions, from in vitro pharmacology, which deals with drug interaction mechanisms, to pharmaco-epidemiology, which investigates the effects of DDI on drug efficacy and adverse drug reactions. Biomedical literature mining can aid both kinds of approaches by extracting relevant DDI signals from either the published literature or large clinical databases. However, though drug interaction is an ideal area for translational research, the inclusion of literature mining methodologies in DDI workflows is still very preliminary. One area that can benefit from literature mining is the automatic identification of a large number of potential DDIs, whose pharmacological mechanisms and clinical significance can then be studied via in vitro pharmacology and in populo pharmaco-epidemiology.
Experiments. We implemented a set of classifiers for identifying published articles relevant to experimental pharmacokinetic DDI evidence. These documents are important for identifying causal mechanisms behind putative drug-drug interactions, an important step in the extraction of large numbers of potential DDIs. We evaluate performance of several linear classifiers on PubMed abstracts, under different feature transformation and dimensionality reduction methods. In addition, we investigate the performance benefits of including various publicly-available named entity recognition features, as well as a set of internally-developed pharmacokinetic dictionaries.
Results. We found that several classifiers performed well in distinguishing relevant and irrelevant abstracts. We found that the combination of unigram and bigram textual features gave better performance than unigram features alone, and also that normalization transforms that adjusted for feature frequency and document length improved classification. For some classifiers, such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA), proper dimensionality reduction had a large impact on performance. Finally, the inclusion of NER features and dictionaries was found not to help classification.
It is well-known that the general health information seeking lay-person, regardless of his/her education, cultural background, and economic status, is not as familiar with—or comfortable using—the technical terms commonly used by healthcare professionals. One of the primary reasons for this is due to the differences in perspectives and understanding of the vocabulary used by patients and providers even when referring to the same health concept. To bridge this “knowledge gap,” consumer health vocabularies are presented as a solution. In this study, we introduce the Mayo Consumer Health Vocabulary (MCV)—a taxonomy of approximately 5,000 consumer health terms and concepts—and develop text-mining techniques to expand its coverage by integrating disease concepts (from UMLS) as well as non-genetic (from deCODEme) and genetic (from GeneWiki+ and PharmGKB) risk factors to diseases. These steps led to adding at least one synonym for 97% of MCV concepts with an average of 43 consumer friendly terms per concept. We were also able to associate risk factors to 38 common diseases, as well as establish 5,361 Disease:Gene pairings. The expanded MCV provides a robust resource for facilitating online health information searching and retrieval as well as building consumer-oriented healthcare applications.
This paper explores the application of text mining to the problem of detecting protein functional sites in the biomedical literature, and specifically considers the task of identifying catalytic sites in that literature. We provide strong evidence for the need for text mining techniques that address residue-level protein function annotation through an analysis of two corpora in terms of their coverage of curated data sources. We also explore the viability of building a text-based classifier for identifying protein functional sites, identifying the low coverage of curated data sources and the potential ambiguity of information about protein functional sites as challenges that must be addressed. Nevertheless we produce a simple classifier that achieves a reasonable ∼69% F-score on our full text silver corpus on the first attempt to address this classification task. The work has application in computational prediction of the functional significance of protein sites as well as in curation workflows for databases that capture this information.
Emerging technologies such as single cell gene expression analysis and single cell genome sequencing provide an unprecedented opportunity to quantitatively probe biological interactions at the single cell level. This new level of insight has begun to reveal a more accurate picture of cellular behavior, and to highlight the importance of understanding cellular variation in a wide range of biological contexts. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on identifying and modeling cell heterogeneity that arises by a variety of mechanisms, including but not limited to cell-to-cell noise, cell-state switches and cell differentiation, heterogeneity in immune responses, cancer evolution, and heterogeneity in disease progression.
The past few years have seen both explosions in the size of biological data sets and the proliferation of new, highly flexible on-demand computing capabilities. The sheer amount of information available from genomic and metagenomic sequencing, high-throughput proteomics, experimental and simulation datasets on molecular structure and dynamics affords an opportunity for greatly expanded insight, but it creates new challenges of scale for computation, storage, and interpretation of petascale data. Cloud computing resources have the potential to help solve these problems by offering a utility model of computing and storage: near-unlimited capacity, the ability to burst usage, and cheap and flexible payment models. Effective use of cloud computing on large biological datasets requires dealing with non-trivial problems of scale and robustness, since performance-limiting factors can change substantially when a dataset grows by a factor of 10,000 or more. New computing paradigms are thus often needed. The use of cloud platforms also creates new opportunities to share data, reduce duplication, and to provide easy reproducibility by making the datasets and computational methods easily available.
One of the primary challenges in making sense the dramatic increase in human genotype data is finding suitable phenotype information for correlational analyses. While the price of genotyping has fallen dramatically and promises to continue to decrease, the cost of generating the phenotypes necessary to take advantage of this data has held steady or even increased. Until recently, human phenotype data was primarily derived from assays or measurements made in clinical or research laboratories. However, laboratory phenotyping is expensive and low-throughput. Recently, a variety of promising alternatives have arisen that can provide important new information at greatly reduced costs. However, the nature, extent and complexity of the data produced involve significant new computational challenges…
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