The Asian Logic Conference is the most significant logic meeting outside of North America and Europe, and this volume represents work presented at, and arising from the 12th meeting. It collects a number of interesting papers from experts in the field. It covers many areas of logic.
Sample Chapter(s)
Resolute Sequences in Initial Segment Complexity (415 KB)
- Resolute Sequences in Initial Segment Complexity (G Barmpalias and R G Downey)
- Approximating Functions and Measuring Distance on a Graph (W Calvert, R Miller and J Chubb Reimann)
- Carnap and McKinsey: Topics in the Pre-History of Possible-Worlds Semantics (M J Cresswell)
- Limits to Joining with Generics and Randoms (A R Day and D D Dzhafarov)
- Freedom & Consistency (M Detlefsen)
- A van Lambalgen Theorem for Demuth Randomness (D Diamondstone, N Greenberg and D Turetsky)
- Faithful Representations of Polishable Ideals (S Gao)
- Further Thoughts on Definability in the Urysohn Sphere (I Goldbring)
- Simple Completeness Proofs for Some Spatial Logics of the Real Line (I Hodkinson)
- On a Question of Csima on Computation-Time Domination (X Hua, J Liu and G Wu)
- A Generalization of Beth Model to Functionals of High Types (F Kachapova)
- A Computational Framework for the Study of Partition Functions and Graph Polynomials (T Kotek, J A Makowsky and E V Ravve)
- Relation Algebras and R (T Kowalski)
- Van Lambalgen's Theorem for Uniformly Relative Schnorr and Computable Randomness (K Miyabe and J Rute)
- Computational Aspects of the Hyperimmune-Free Degrees (K M Ng, F Stephan, Y Yang and L Yu)
- Calibrating the Complexity of Δ02 Sets via Their Changes (A Nies)
- Topological Full Groups of Minimal Subshifts and Just-Infnite Groups (S Thomas)
- TW-Models for Logic of Knowledge-cum-Belief (S C-M Yang)
Readership: Researchers in mathematical logic and algebra, computer scientists in artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic.