As an emerging interdisciplinary field, acoustic metamaterials have generated increasing interests for diverse engineering applications, from noise and vibration alleviation to super-resolution imaging.
The book starts with a simple mass-in-mass chain model to illustrate the concept of negative mass due to internal resonance and its impact on wave transmission. The practical transformation theory for controlling acoustic waves is explained. Pentamode acoustic metamaterials and related cloaking design are also included. Finally, the book ends up with the sub-diffraction-limited acoustic imaging based on metamaterials.
This comprehensive title gives a broad overview on different aspects of acoustic metamaterials with a balance of theory and experiment. It is not only a collection of the authors' original works to these interesting topics, but also the main achievements in this field.
Researchers, academics, professionals and graduate students in the fields of mechanical engineering, condensed matter physics, new materials, applied physics, and general readers of noise and vibration controls, will find this exciting book to be an indispensible reference material.