Latest Edition: Fundamentals of Tribology (3rd Edition)
There are many occasions when quick solutions to problems in tribology are needed. For example, an understanding of the lubrication mechanism in a racing car engine has led to an improvement in performance. Why does a woman's face cream make her look younger for a time? Tribologists are frequently summoned in legal cases as expert witnesses after people have slipped in public places. Improvements to the human artificial hip joint are also partly a result of extensive tribology research.
In order to solve such problems, tribology should be regarded as an important undergraduate course. This book covers tribology in such a way as to provide simple approximate solutions to frequent practical problems. Unlike previous books, which catered for earlier generations of undergraduates, today's students generally have sophisticated computer systems available in their colleges. Therefore, many of the worked and set examples in the book are made easier by using readily available software such as Math CAD. Readers will thus gain practice in using it, and will benefit in general by understanding the mathematical principles involved in the solutions. This book is particularly useful to engineering undergraduates and practicing engineers needing a quick solution to tribological problems.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction to Tribology (382 KB)
Chapter 3: Elastic Solids in Normal Contact (424 KB)
Chapter 6: The Reynolds and Energy Equations (335 KB)