This volume consists of a selection of research-type articles on dynamical systems, evolution equations, analytic number theory and closely related topics. A strong emphasis is on a fair balance between theoretical and more applied work, thus spanning the chasm between abstract insight and actual application. Several of the articles are expected to be in the intersection of dynamical systems theory and number theory. One article will likely relate the topics presented to the academic achievements and interests of Prof. Leutbecher and shed light on common threads among all the contributions.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Das Jahr 1934... (525 KB)
- Preface
- Biographical Note on Armin Leutbecher (S Walcher)
- Das Jahr 1934 ... (J Fischer)
- Explicit Expressions for Equivariant Minimal Lagrangian Surfaces (J F Dorfmeister & H Ma)
- Rational Parameter Rays of the Multibrot Sets (D Eberlein, S Mukherjee & D Schleicher)
- The Matovich-Pearson Equations Revisited (T Hagen)
- Diffeomorphisms with Stable Manifolds as Basin Boundaries (S Hayes & Ch Wolf)
- A New Type of Functional Equations of Euler Products (B Heim)
- The Hexagonal Lattice and the Epstein Zeta Function (A Henn)
- On Putative q-Analogues of the Fano Plane (Th Honold & M Kiermaier)
- Integral Orthogonal Groups (A Krieg)
- The Role of Fourier Analysis in X-Ray Crystallography (F Rupp & J Scheurle)
- An Elementary Proof for Joint Continuity of Semiflows (S Schmitz)
- A Convergent String Method (H Schwetlick & J Zimmer)
- Variational Symmetries and Pluri-Lagrangian Systems (Y B Suris)
Readership: Researchers in algebra and number theory, dynamical systems and analysis and differential equations.