This book presents a pedagogical introduction of supersymmetry, supergravity and string theories and deals also with advanced related topics.
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- Introduction
- The Supersymmetry Algebra
- Alternative Approach to the Supersymmetry Algebra
- Immediate Consequences of the Supersymmetry Algebras
- The Wess-Zumino Model
- N = 1 Super QED
- N = 1 Super Yang-Mills Theory and the Noether Procedure
- Irreducible Representations of Supersymmetry
- Simple Supergravity
- Invariance of Simple Supergravity
- Tensor Calculus of Rigid Supersymmetry
- Theories of Extended Rigid Supersymmetry
- Local Tensor Calculus and the Coupling of Supergravity to Matter
- Superspace
- Superspace Formulations of Rigid Supersymmetric Theories
- Superspace Formulation of N = 1 Supergravity
- N = 1 Super-Feynman Rules
- Ultraviolet Properties of the Extended Rigid Supersymmetry Theories
- Spontaneous Breaking of Supersymmetry and Realistic Models
- Currents in Supersymmetric Theories
- Two-Dimensional Supersymmetry Models
- Gauge Covariant Formulation of Strings
- Appendix A: An Explanation of Our Choice of Conventions
- Appendix B: A List of Reviews and Books
Readership: High energy physicists.
“The book is a delight and should become a classic in the field.”
W Cox
Mathematical Reviews (USA), 1987
“This book is a valuable contribution. Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity offers a way for a wider audience to gain access to and understanding of this principle.”
S James Gates
Physics Today (USA), 1987