This is the first-ever book on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and its variations, covering the theoretical background, numerical techniques, code implementation issues, and many novel and interesting applications.
It contains many appealing and practical examples, including free surface flows, high explosive detonation and explosion, underwater explosion and water mitigation of explosive shocks, high velocity impact and penetration, and multiple scale simulations coupled with the molecular dynamics method. An SPH source code is provided, making this a friendly book for readers and SPH users.
Supplementary Materials
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1.1: Numerical Simulation (415 KB)
Chapter 1.2: Grid-based Methods (820 KB)
Chapter 1.3: Meshfree Methods (442 KB)
Chapter 1.4: Meshfree Particle Methods (MPMs) (292 KB)
Chapter 1.5: Solution Strategy of MPMs (396 KB)
Chapter 1.6: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) (428 KB)