Research on the Application mode of UAV Remote Sensing Technology in Land Consolidation
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) remote sensing technology has been increasingly used to support spatial data acquisition and land management project verification. Currently, in land consolidation field, UAV is mainly applied to acquire high resolution images, which cannot provide support to the whole process of developing projects including site selection, survey, design, implementation, supervision and acceptance. Since the project areas are usually small and dispersed, this paper discusses a new technical development of UAV remote sensing technology to support UAV applications in land consolidation. The new technical development includes spatial data acquisition and rapid processing methods as well as the procedure of large-scale production. At the same time, some key technologies are studied. In order to get the image with high resolution, low altitude aerial route planning technology is studied, taking the regional shape and flight control into account. To improve the image processing efficiency, the CUDA (computer unified device architecture) parallel algorithm is used to make best use of GPU. Besides, 3D point cloud is produced by the dense matching algorithm, which is used to build 3D landscape of the land consolidation area, through which we can make land consolidation plan in a real 3D world, calculate cut-fill earthwork volumes, estimate engineering quantity and cost. By using the dense matching cloud points and the orthophoto maps, some types of natural elements are extracted, such as farmland, water, road, village etc., by image classification and recognition technology, then the current image and the past image are compared to find the land use changes, monitoring the progress and quality of the project. Finally, experiments are performed and the results demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the efficiency of land consolidation projects significantly.