Study on the key response factors in underground pipeline gas leak: lessons learnt from Kaohsiung gas explosion
In Kaohsiung gas explosion, 32 people were killed and 321 others were injured. It raises a concern about the best decision to be made in such little time to reduce the fatalities and property loss. When it comes to chemical hazard emergency operation, it mainly adopts “HAZMAT” response procedure. HAZMAT applies to all kinds of chemical hazards; however, it only roughly outlines the rescue process. The details vary from a variety of hazards. This paper adopted Delphi method to gain the wisdom of experts so as to formulate the important decision-making factors. Firstly, the Delphi method was conducted to gain the consensus of experts from three categories. Through the back and forth procedure, key response factors are modified based on the opinion of experts. Secondly, after confirming the factors, questionnaires were issued to the experts to gain individual’s values. Finally, consensus factors are gained and conclusions are drawn.