A Low Cost Image De-noising Implementation Using Low Area CSLA for Impulse Noise Removal
In the process of image acquisition and transmission, data can be corrupted by impulse noise. This paper presented the removal of impulse noise in medical image by using Very Large Scale Integrated circuit (VLSI) implementation. The Low Cost Reduced Simple Edge Preserved De-noising (LCRSEPD) technique is introduced using Low Area Carry Select Adder (CSLA) to remove the salt and pepper noise instead of normal adder. Thus, LCRSEPD technique preserves visual performance and edge features in terms of quality and quantitative evaluation. By optimizing the architecture, low cost RSEPD can achieve low computational complexity that will reflect in area, power and delay. Compared to the previous VLSI implementations, the LCRSEPD implementation with CSLA adder has achieved good medical image quality and less hardware cost due to the reduction of area, power and delay.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Emre Salman.