This paper presented a multiplier-less memcapacitor emulator circuit that is implemented without using a memristor mutator. The proposed circuit is a charge-controlled memcapacitor built with analog blocks. Comparatively, this circuit uses fewer active–passive elements, where all passive elements are grounded. In addition, the most advantageous feature is its tuning which can be done externally by electronic means. Also, the proposed circuit layout has been drawn with minimum metal routing, optimum floor planning, and DRC and LVS checks. The circuit behavior is justified through various simulations in the Cadence Virtuoso-Spectre tool with 180-nm CMOS parameters, and the operating frequency of the proposed circuit is up to 4KHz. In addition, theoretical and simulated results are proven through experimental verification using off-the-shelf IC.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Giuseppe Ferri.