Variable generalized Chaplygin gas in f(Q) gravity and the inflationary cosmology
The work presented in this paper aims to study the inflationary cosmology of f(Q) gravity where Q=6H2 by two models of Dark Energy (DE), namely Variable Generalized Chaplygin Gas (VGCG) and the Nojiri–Odintsov Holographic Dark Energy. The reconstruction has been carried out in the absence as well as presence of viscosity. The viscous pressure is considered to be Π=−3Hξ, where ξ=ξ0+ξ1H+ξ2(Ḣ+H2) and H is the Hubble parameter. In viscous and nonviscous scenarios, the reconstruction has been carried out for power law scale factor and bounce scale factor. For the specific range of cosmic time t, the quintessence and quintom behavior are observed for the equation of state parameters. The slow roll parameters have been studied for both the cases in nonviscous scenario and for the case, namely bounce scale factor for VGCG of nonviscous scenario, we have found that there is a scope of exit from inflation. Furthermore, constraints have been deduced to study the presence of singularity. Finally, the f(Q) gravity is reconstructed as a function of cosmic time t and is found to stay at positive level for a range of cosmic time t.
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