Inhomogeneous equation of state and its consequences in a coupled fluid scenario and realization of Little Rip, Pseudo Rip and Bounce cosmology
Motivated by the work of P. H. Frampton et al. [Phys. Lett. B 708 (2012) 204; I. Brevik et al., Phys. Rev. D 84 (2011) 103508, arXiv:1107.4642 [hep-th]; I. Brevik et al., Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012) 063007, arXiv:1208.4770 [gr-qc]] this study reports on the reconstruction schemes for the inhomogeneous equation of state (EoS) first introduced by S. Nojiri et al., [Phys. Rev. D 72 (2005) 023003, arXiv:hep-th/0505215 [hep-th]] and the cosmology in the scenario of coupled fluid. We have considered the viscosity through the Eckart approach in an interacting system. The EoS parameter for the Little Rip, the f(ρ) in terms of cosmic time for Pseudo Rip, is reconstructed for the EoS for Bounce cosmology inhomogeneous viscous fluid. The EoS parameter is rebuilt for the coupled dark fluid in the nonviscous system for the Little Rip, Pseudo Rip and Bounce cosmology. The reconstructed EoS parameter for inhomogeneous viscous fluid was phantom for the Little Rip cosmology. The reconstructed EoS parameters of holographic Ricci dark energy (HRDE) of the coupled fluid in nonviscous systems are phantom for both the Little Rip and Pseudo Rip cosmology. The model HRDE of the coupled fluid in the nonviscous scenario for Pseudo-Rip cosmology indicates the possibility of singularity. The same model for the bounce cosmology violates the null energy condition and has the EoS parameter almost symmetric around the bouncing point.
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