The following sections are included:
Symmetric Group of Crystals
Crystallographic Point Groups
Elements in a Crystallographic Point Group
Proper Crystallographic Point Groups
Improper Crystallographic Point Group
Crystal Systems and Bravais Lattice
Restrictions on Vectors of Crystal Lattice
Triclinic Crystal System
Monoclinic Crystal System
Orthorhombic Crystal System
Trigonal and Hexagonal Crystal System
Tetragonal Crystal System
Cubic Crystal System
Space Group
Symmetric Elements
Symbols of a Space Group
Method for Determining the Space Groups
Example for the Space Groups in Type A
Example for the Space Groups in Type B
Analysis of the Symmetry of a Crystal
Linear Representations of Space Groups
Irreducible Representations of $\mathcal{T}$
Star of Wave Vectors and Group of Wave Vectors
Representation Matrices of Elements in $\mathcal{S}$
Irreducible Representations of $\mathcal{S}(k_1)$
The Bloch Theorem
Energy Band in a Crystal