Perspectives in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
1. The Neutron Form Factors
Experiments at MIT BatesFirst Measurements on the Electric Form Factor of the Neutron
The NE11 Experiment at SLAC and the Neutron Form Factors
Theory of Inclusive Scattering of Polarized Electrons by Polarized 3He and the Neutron Form Factors
2. Spin Structure Functions
Determination of the Neutron Spin Structure Function
The SMC Experiment and First Results on the Longitudinal Deuteron Spin Asymmetry
The HERMES Experiment
Deep Inelastic Scattering of Polarized Electrons off Polarized 3He: Nuclear Effects and the Neutron Spin Structure Functions
Spin Structure Functions of the Nucleon at Low Q2 and ν
The Nucleon Spin Crisis Bible
3. Exclusive Processes at High ν and Q2; Deep Inelastic Scattering
Color Transparency in (e,e′p) Experiments
Role of Fermi Motion in Color Transparency
Color Transparency in the Deuteron
Pitfalls in Looking for Color Transparency at Intermediate Energies
Multi-particle Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Nuclear Effects in Semi-inclusive Deep Inelastic Lepton Scattering off Nuclei
4. Spin Observables
Polarization Observables in Pion Photoproduction on Light Nuclei
Relativistic Effects and Spin Observables in Deuteron Electrodisintegration
Polarization Observables of the Deuteron
Exclusive Reactions on Polarized 3He
5. One- and Two-Nucleon Knockout at Low and Intermediate Energies
Short-Range Correlations and Natural Orbital Representation in Nuclei
Wave Function Calculations in Finite Nuclei
Final State Correlations in Realistic (e,e′p) Calculations
Structure Functions in the (e,e′p) Reaction Including Electron Distortion and Two-Body Currents
The Mechanism of the (e,e′p) Reaction
Fifth Structure Function Measurements at Bates
Direct Two-Nucleon Emission Induced by an Electromagnetic Probe
The Reactions 12C(e,e′pp) and 12C(e,e′p) in the Dip Region
Nucleon–Nucleon Correlations and Photon-Induced Two-Nucleon Emission Processes
The (γ, np) Reaction on p-Shell Nuclei Using Tagged Photons
Photon Absorption by Two Protons in 3He
The Two- and Three-Body Photodisintegration of 3He
Multihadron Currents in the (e,e′) Reaction Process
High PT Exclusive Electromagnetic Reactions in Hadronic Matter
6. Excitation of Baryon Resonances
Electromagnetic Investigations of Nucleon Resonances
Unitary ππN Model of N* Excitations in πN and γN Reactions
Photoproduction of Nonstrange Baryon Resonances in a Collective U(7) Model
Investigations of Nucleon Resonances and Meson Production with Tagged Photons at MAMI
Photon Absorption Experiments at ADONE
Compton Scattering on the Proton in the Delta-Resonance Region
An Experiment on the Electroproduction of Multi-hadron Final States
Inclusive Electron Scattering from an Oxygen and Argon Jet Target
Photoabsorption in Multi-quark Systems
7. Strangeness
Eta Photoproduction Experiments at ELSA in Bonn
Eta Photoproduction on Nucleons and Nuclei
Photonuclear Physics with Eta Mesons
First Results of γp → K+Λ/K+Σ0 at the SAPHIR Detector
Spin Observables in Kaon Photoproduction
Strange Hyperons in the Bound State Soliton Model
Quasielastic Neutrino Scattering Probing Strange Quarks
Author Index
List of Participants