Chapter 3.5: AmpaCity Project — World's First Superconducting Cable and Fault Current Limiter Installation in a German City Center
This chapter will give an overview on the German AmpaCity project, which started in September 2011. The objective of the project is developing, manufacturing and installing a 10 kV, 40MVA HTS system consisting of a fault current limiter and of a 1 km cable in the city of Essen. It is the first time that a one kilometer HTS cable system is installed together with an HTS fault current limiter in a real grid application. In addition, it is the longest installed HTS cable system worldwide. Within the project the development phase was finished in March 2013 with successfully completing the type test of the cable system. Subsequently, all system components were manufactured for the installation on site in Essen. The installation took less than three months finishing at the end of November 2013. Afterwards, the commissioning test of the system was performed in December and the system was finally commissioned beginning of 2014.