Optimal Parallel Machine Allocation Problem in IC Packaging Using IC-PSO: An Empirical Study
We model and apply a stochastic-simulation-based methodology to optimize the machine allocation of a flexible flow shop (FFS) dedicated to integrated circuit (IC) packaging. This contrasts with most previous research on non-deterministic FFS problems wherein stochastic simulation is mostly used to estimate throughput, cycle time, delay cost, or some other measure(s) in order to compare the performances of already-existing heuristic-based algorithms. The methodology applied in this research, called progressive simulation metamodeling for IC Packaging (IC-PSO), while rooted in the traditional metamodeling technique known as Response Surface Methodology (RSM), contrasts with RSM in that it is equipped with well-designed mechanisms to ensure an ever-increasing solution quality in an attempt to achieve the desirable optimality. The computational efficiency that IC-PSO affords IC packaging companies is demonstrated via a numerical study. Meanwhile, an empirical study based on real data was conducted to validate the viability of the proposed methodology in real settings.