Implementation of Symmetric Functions Using Memristive Nanocrossbar Arrays and their Application in Cryptography
VLSI technology makes the integration of multiple electronic components into a single electronic chip possible but Moore has already predicted that further miniaturization of VLSI chips will cause excess heat dissipation. Because of this impediment faced by this technology, the scientists have turned their focus to nano-technological alternatives to keep up the continuous device improvement and continue with the miniaturization procedure without facing any hurdle from the aspect of heat dissipation and space and time complexity. Memristor can be such a nano-alternative, which has the potential of very rapid execution, miniaturization and very low power consumption compared to transistor-based technology. The main objective of this paper is to show an application of symmetric function in cryptography. In order to do so, first, three-input and five-input symmetric functions are implemented in memristor-based nanocrossbar circuits. Then a dynamic circuit of symmetric functions is implemented where the input voltages convert the circuit to three-input or five-input symmetric function circuit as and when required. The simulation results show the satisfactory behavior of our proposed design.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Piero Malcovati.