Cosmological implications of Tsallis dark energy in modified Brans–Dicke theory
Tsallis entropy has been widely applied to analyze the gravitational and cosmological setups. We discuss the dark energy (DE) model by its cosmological consequences using Tsallis holographic entropy in the framework of modified Brans–Dicke (BD) gravity. We consider the Hubble horizon as infrared cutoff to study the nature of DE that is responsible for current cosmic acceleration. We focus on flat FRW universe in interacting and noninteracting scenarios between DE and dark matter (DM). In this framework, we discuss the cosmological parameters like equation of state parameter, deceleration parameter, Om-diagnostic, squared speed of sound and planes like evolving equation of state parameter and statefinders. We discuss graphical presentation of these parameters and planes. We compare the results with observation data to check the consistency of results.
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