In this paper, we consider the behavior of a wireless ad-hoc sensor network for different radio models. By means of simulations, we analyze the performance of three protocols: AODV, DSR, and DSDV considering two radio models TwoRayGround and Shadowing.
In difference with other works, we generalize the type of radio model by allowing the path loss randomnesses to be present in the service environment of the network. We study the perceived Goodput and Depletion of the ad-hoc sensor network and compare the performance of three protocols for different scenarios. The simulation results confirm the fact that the shadowing phenomena, by destroying the regularity of the network, reduce the mean distance among nodes and at the same time increase the interference level and the latency of packet transmission. In particular, we found a maximum relative difference of 70%. On the other hand, for the proactive DSDV routing protocol the energy consumption rate seems to be independent of the radio model, at least for moderate size of the network (256 nodes). Also, we found that the packet delivery ratio of AODV and DSR routing protocols are more stable than DSDV protocol.